Wale Alert added Steem. :-)
Good News for us. The Twitter Account Wale Alert
(There you can see big BTC Transaktions)
added Steem to his Watchlist. Here the Link:
Follow Wale Alert on Twitter!!!
This is really cool!
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes. :-) I like the Likes.
Would be cooler if whale alert was also on steem
Than get him/they. ;-) Wrote a Message and tell us the final answer. :-)
Ich schreib die Mal an auf Twitter, bezweifle aber, dass das etwas bringt.
Posted using Partiko Android
Have no Facebook Twitter or else
Posted using Partiko Android
Good Guy. :-)
Ich schreib dann auch mal später noch. Mal sehen was passiert. Wenn wir nicht dran glauben, das es was bringt, bringt es auch nichts. :-)