#4. [Blockchain, Copyright, and Steemit] What on Earth am I Related in Copyright in Steemit? (1/4)

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

If you looking for Korean version posting, right here!


Blockchain and Copyright (1/4)

- What on Earth am I Related in Copyright in Steemit?

Browsing and roaming around many postings on Steemit system, sometimes it makes me bit of nervous regarding the misuse of copyright from many postings. Not only the misuse of unauthorized images and pictures, also there were recently some serious happening in korean steemit community (e.g. plagiarism, aka 'copy and paste' of others' post, probably to get more reward with less effort?). It is not the happening that I can be proud of, however, it can be also great chance to let the steemitian know How important the COPYRIGHT is.

Figure from Wikipedia1) : An advertisement for copyright and patent preparation services from 1906, when copyright registration formalities were still required in the US

In certain areas, we experienced numerous cases of an infringement of the copyright in a way of unauthorized copying, distribution and selling of works in copyright. These copyright infringes have another nickname so-called "Piracy" that were involved usually in the industries of music, movie, picture(including images, photographs) and created art works.


For example, downloading a movie from non-commercialized file sharing system, which you may probably have done at least once in your life (even without self-realization of violation), is considered as one of serious piracies of the copyright.

What on Earth am I Related in Copyright on Steemit?
I Did Nothing Wrong!

Back to the question at the beginning, the my answer is "YES, you are freaking closely related with the copyright as long as you are on this steemit community." Since we are getting paid for the contents and writings of the posting, you are responsible for any of your own actions on the steemit. Furthermore, you should not make the posting from someone else' any contents, writing, art work and so on. It also says that images and pictures you use (attach) between your own creative postings(or writings) is 100 % your responsibility as well.


If you violate someone's copyright by mistake (honestly saying), it is even harder to delete or modify your postings after 7 days of getting paid since the posting written on blockchains were made and the information were distributed to the chains in the world.

Throughout those of planned three following postings, I would like to discuss about some of things related in the copyright and the steemit (or blockchain system).
Let's make the Steemit CLEAN.

  • Copyright Range That You Should Know
  • Interesting Examples of Copyright-associated Blockchain
  • Tip for Making Your Posting CLEAN (How to Avoid Copyright Problem)
  • Blockchain Copyright Perspective


  1. Columbia Copyright Office - Obtained from the Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/bobhope/vaude.html Transferred from en.wikipedia

※ All images (unless there is any mention about original source or citation) are edited and recreated under CCL from free imaging pool websites such as Pixabay.com.



Thx for reading and comment! Will answer of your question "within my knowledge".
So far, you are trying to have your posting to keep copyright in a right way. At least, it is good start, good job @mhrose!
However, there is the posting using tumlr's images. I am not aware of how the tumblr follow the CCL rule. Since those gif images were made by "a creator" uploaded in his/her tumblr account, images proooooooooooobably under tumblr's copyright. I cannot be so sure about it yet, tho. I think you should look it up more detail whether the gif images were under the copyright reservation or not.

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