Opportunities and pitfalls of the SMT (Engslish edition) - Vol. 1

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


I would have liked to have had hardcore facts on how SMT works right away. But the subject can be very tricky. To deal with the Steem and SMT also means to deal with the direct effects of the Steem mechanics on humans and society in addition to all technical occurrences. Otherwise the sense, purpose and above all use of the Steem and its token cannot be grasped. This is also due to the fact that serious literature on the subject, understandably, does not exist.

Fuck the Investor

At first one of the worst pitfalls! My research and reflection over the past two days and nights led me to such rage and desperation that I had already written mean incendiary articles, erased them and rewrote them even more burning, even more mean. It culminated in a "FUCK THE INVESTOR" call in the blog of a Witness commentary and the call to raise a blockchain without investors to break away from Steemit Inc. Everything that is not right on the Steem exposes the intense preoccupation with the SMT. In fact, it takes a lot of effort to continue to research and write in a disciplined manner, while others who are endowed with capital don't have to research or write anything to bring in bold top rewards.

The Ranting Gramp

I have now regained my composure in fragments and will continue to try to be constructive and act for the good of the Steem as long as I can. First of all, and in order to underline the seriousness of the last words, I apologize to @Kevinwong, who can't help it that things are as they are on the Steem. Of course I don't like such comments either. We are civilized people. Please forgive me, Kevin. As difficult as that may be after the HFs 18/19/20, so for eighteen months, I have written over five thousand Steem from nothing to Vest within two years. I can't blindly act as if I wouldn't lose anything if I showed Ned and the cheater gang the stinky finger. I was actually close to it, but then I noticed, through the lucky coincidence of the onset of self-control, that it was precisely the intensive, almost intoxicating preoccupation with the matter of the SMT that threw me into a real frenzy of knowledge and despair. How was that supposed to happen? It was supposed to be enthusiasm what came out of it.


I'd like to start my remarks by warning you that it can be dangerous for your own wellbeing to want to look too closely at what's going on around the Steem. I don't wish my current crisis to any of you brave developers and bloggers and so I advise who cares about his writing and development: Leave it alone and read another article! Don't think about the Steem, otherwise you might have a Kalashnikov in your hand at some point. No, that wasn't a joke. What's going on with the investors here is such a bold slap in the face of the authors that I simply have to stop thinking about it if I want to continue to exist as a Steemian. So let's start by looking at facts that many will only like.

Bottomless pit

First of all, I noticed that we bloggers think we know what we are doing. No one has ever put it in concrete terms and really knows it, even though I've been naming the activity in my footer for months. What happened purely instinctively, by chance. The only sense of our activity came to me in the last two days. Okay, we're knocking tokens out of a coinmine that we can silver on the stock exchange. That explains why we came here. But how do we knock the tokens out of the pool? With our lifeblood. Every blogger with even the slightest spark of an author delivers extremely personal, cleverly thought-out and therefore read articles. I am writing here from the ideal case. I don't have to illuminate marginal areas in order to explain what I'm getting at. But what do we do on the blockchain? Take another closer look, Frog! For this we have to look, only once, very briefly, without pink Community Steem-glasses: We produce for a handful of coins and throw our lifeblood into a bottomless hole in which after seven days all articles from our and potential readers' screens disappear. That must change urgently, but another time more.

We are the Dummies!

You have to endure it. What wasn't so difficult for me until two days ago, but many serious authors who looked at the wastefulness of our texts have disappeared again, shaking their heads. For them we bloggers look like not quite clever. I, on the other hand, have been writing here for two years and only yesterday got my profound crisis of meaning and only because I do research on SMT topics. But much more interesting than relentless self-motivation because of the dust of a coin is why we may earn money here. Even if it becomes more and more difficult. My credits in the footer are overwritten with Crash Test Dummies on Steem and that's exactly what we Steem users are. Ned builds a blockchain and we are the ones who play his construct live during development. There is no more enjoyable method in software development than creating, testing and updating a program in live mode. But for that you need a very tolerant audience.


Of course, in real life, no serious client will allow his software to be thrown to the dogs by users in the development stage. This innovative approach by Ned is as daring as it is ingenious and pleasingly successful. No doubt, Ned is a visionary and nobody has ever shouted to the world before, "Do whatever you want with my software. Everything you can do is legal." No one uncovers bugs more reliably than a pack of bearish users who just try everything conceivable and deliver the unthinkable for free. If there are developers among them, you can be sure that you will send this software through the fire without any problems when it is finished. It will never burn. There's no better way to verify a program. Now you know what we're doing here and why we can do it, and please don't delude yourselves like I do. It is the only conceivable reason why we can play this coin mine in our own way and I have thought about it for a long time.


In order not to strain the attention of my readers too much, I stop here briefly and continue the report about my SMT odyssey in the next article. You don't believe, dear readers, what can happen and how much you learn about the Steem and about yourself. I've only just started doing that.

So, I think I'm a little better now.

🐌🌳🌿🐸…  … 🐸…  ……🐸…  …  …     …🐸🐸…🐸…     …    …    …  🐸…🌿🌿🌿 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿

Crash Test Dummies on Steem

Believe it or not, the Steem has totally upset me. I'm excited because it makes so much possible. Such a potential as in the Blockchain, I last saw in the beginning of the eighties in the first PC. If I were still a convinced Steemian now, I would write that I am bullish. Unfortunately, I also see all the bad things that always crawl out of their holes when something new is on the agenda. That makes me miserably bearish. Let's just see how my story goes on, because I'm only in the early stages of SMT research. What's coming, what's possible and what's missing, I've come across all this and I'm sharing it with my community. With me no realization is hoarded small-mindedly, because with it perhaps another could make money. The abundance of possibilities doesn't make me petty. It doesn't matter what will be tackled shortly, we have an almost inexhaustible market at our feet and it has nothing to do with faith anymore. We Steemians are in the middle of it and that is exactly what makes us so unique and so valuable for society. I'm sure you'll learn more about this later when we hear again: The pitfalls of SMT research.

On my own behalf

This article is revised several times and can be changed at any time since Hardfork 19.10. I don't know how this will work. I think you have to change the condenser. Steemit can't do everything the blockchain can do.

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