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RE: I Finally hit over 6000 Steempower & I Thank the few whales, many dolphins plus many minnows who are all NOW dolphins helped me get here, & I will help new talented hard working plankton & minnows like I was helped. @surfyogi @thejohalfiles @neoxian +more

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

i didnt invest anything istar5ted at $0 and worked my way here in a little over 1 year and steem hasnt really changed prices very much since I joined really! So yeah you can do this without investing, and if you work harder than me, because I could have worked MUCh harder, you can get to where I am in a MONTh or two but that is for SUPER workers. but for most people you woul dneed 12 hour days everyday and find a really good skill, but you CAn catch up to me in 6 months or 3 if youre smart and hard working enough! the intelligence isnt needed so much here as the work ethic! we just need someoen who can bring like 10 peopel a day to steem and everyday he brings mroe and more so by a month he brings in thousands, w need peopel like that who may not be thats mart but who just work so hard and helps steem somuch, those users get rewarded as long as they let steem know what they are doing! you always have to show what your doing or why shoudl we believe you even did it :D so yeah just make sure you work and SHOW yoru work! its not bragging its just proving work! and yeah just make sure you start NOW and mix in otehr social medi so use youtube reddit instagram and facebook to go promote steem and make posts about it!

but yeah i never had to invest, buit i did buy around 1500 steem few montsh ago at around $1.70 but it was from eos i sold which i made from buying it cheap with money i got from SBD!!!! haha so its ALL from steem! I never invested any money of my own really! but its DEFINITLEY mine now!

Andf i AM an Investor in steem bevcause i am INVESTED and i can take it out JUST liek anyoen who had to Buy theri take! i hate when peopel act like theres ANY difference between steem earned or bought! Thats liek saying peopels LABOR isnt WORTh anything!

Just because a WHALE paid you a HIGH salary doenst makje it NOT real just because it MAy be overpayment so what thats their righto give and recieve overpayments! it all balanbces out in tehe dn :D or almost :D its so cool man wer all gonan be soooo ruich we can helpo make thsi world sooo much nicer and sleaker and cleaner :D

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