Steem is going to $100 Dollars, so buy some steem or be sorry, Ditty app created Steem Advertising!

in #steem7 years ago

I used the free Ditty app to make a music video with the lyrics, "Steem is going to $100 so buy some steem or be sorry"

Use the free ditty app to make your own amazing free autotuned automated songs with related animated gifs or videos that populate in the bsckground. I Picked a custom gof of the rocket launch steem logo GIF for the background of this one but you can use your own video, downloaded videos or a library of GIFs or even use an automated button to jjst have the ditty app choose background colors or relevant images it finds for you like I used on my "bitcoin is going to $1million dollars" ditty song here:

This was one of my first ditty videos and brings back memories of the good old dayd of when I joined steem and got deep into crypto early 2017 :)

Lets all start making tgese ditty videos about steem and crypto to get people interested in steemit and steem blockchain! The app lets you auto post to youtube instagram facebook etc and hopefully steem and dtube will get those sort of options to auto share! Anyway if we all post meme videos about steem like this we can create lots of social media buzz about steem.

▶️ DTube

Are you a certified financial advisor? If you are I will take your advice and put all my money on
Thank you for your recommendation.

I am a certified American Citizen entitled to free speech, and nothing is illegal about me wanting people to buy Steem and wanting it to go to $100, because I feel it is undervalued like SteemMonster playing cards, and when i say buy steem its not to sell later, i always tell peopel to stake it up and power up SP and have Steempoer and USe their streem and pass it down to their children and grand children, I dont tell peopel to buy steem to then sell for aprofit I tell people that by teh tiem steem goes up where i think it woill they wot have to, youll be able to live off the upvotes but tahst just my opinion and you dont have to do anything i say... you have your own free will....

and in my humble pinion, that whole nonsense about needing a disclaimer like haijein uses is entirely a scam to discourage crypto people from being enthusiastic about new technology to get others to invest which is our own private business ... it makes people scared to just tell their friends about great opportunities

also What makes you think a financial advisor from the old dinosaur legacy fiat world would have any experience evaluatiung a brand new revolutionary blockchain crypotocurrency delegated proof of stake decentralized autonomous network? :D And I can use more buzzwords for dayz :D

anyway sorry if i sem cranky i just had to get that offr my chest\

i see youve been here a while

maybe i should add financial adviser disclaimers at the bottom of my posts with talk about a coin being certain price or what not but my ditty meme is mroe of a meme than anything which is a joke and i see PLENTY of rapprers talking about when bitcoin is a million dollars theyll be ballin out.,.. does that make them financial advisors?
when hodl gang does lambo land rap song talking about how you should invest in bitcoin to make money, is that financial advise? lol im just posting art and i have free speech to tell people whatever I want dont I? I dont tell people to invest i want people to buy stake and never power down unles its an emergency.. i see it as more of a collectible token that is not a financial instrument but just more of a card game collectible ... if the market deems it as valuable like a pokemon card making someone $20,000 if they kept it for 20 years, i donts ee why that makes it a financial instrument :D is the sec gonna regulate steemonster cards too? :D

again sorry for being cranky, you do have more Steempore than me so Ill show some respect, sorry boutthat I just always hear about that financial advisor thinga nd uuugh i just, it triggers me i guess? well i guess i wont let it anymore.

so no i am not a financial advisor and if it wsnt obvious from the autotuned rap music ditty meme, tyhis is all for en6tertainment ourposes. Perhaps I will include a lot more animated Pixel Art animations with loud flashing colors to make it more apparenta nd obvious how this is all just for entertainment like a hobby more than any sort of investment! I rarely talk about buyings teem to sell later at a high price, i see it far more sustainable to get more peopel to simly power up and mak emoney off the reward pool an d asd thge price of steem goes up theyll make more and more than they tjhought they would untill one day just one weeks worth of self upvotes or Upvote Sales ends up being nearly their entire initial investment of Steempower... thats the magic thats possible if steem does go to $100 or even $50 or $20 or even $10 but its in no way garunteed, i just have my many reasons for why steem is undervalued or why iut will be in the future as millions start to onbaord and we seemassive demand for siomethingthat has a very fixed supply with only a few million being availabnle on big exchanges at any given t8ime and only 78 million steem is liquid out of around 265 million total steem so most is powered up and if we can get liquid steem down to like 10% or 5% and make supply or liquid steem lessthan total bitcoin , under 20 or 10 million, the we REALLy drive price of steem up into the $100s and even yes $1000s iuts all abouyt scarecity just like Bitcoin. we can make steem the new big currency of finance, hha i know i just said its not a financial instrument but i dont see why we cant chang ethe WORLD with this blockchqain ands change teh way peopel see money, because steem is more than a money token God i just get so emotional thinking about it man, sorry i gotta go lay down

again sorry for being so defensive, i see u are a well ocntributing steemian with more sp than me, ok man, sorry for being defensive ill go now, i gotta go study more and make my posts less tyupod and make more videos to get my ideas out instead of writing them
hey come talk to me on discord with other big steemans man

sorry for the essay fullof typos but wen i start trying to go back to correct them i get so distracted i cant do it mani cant

haha aoh and PS: seems liek u already have enough money invested into Steem :) i think u already know how godo of a deal it is right now around this price if u can get a lot of steem this cheap but hey if btc tests 5000 bottom where big institutional investros will wanna get in for a steal, theneyah we coudl see steem go even lower too, but this hooefully is it and peoepl can start accumulating here cheap hpefully! :D

We should just make our position strong before the huge movement.

Yeah you are definately right investing in steem now is the best thing to do because with the integration of SMT and other features into steem I see the price of steem to skyrocket to a higher price of around 100 dollar next year

Here is the Youtube Link so it lasts and so peopel can watch the meme video right here in the browser etc

Basically it is an app to advertise to other communities through the videos, it looks interesting! I will try to use it thanks for the information :)

Very Nice my Brother @ackza .........STEEM will FLY to $100 and Beyond !

Thanks for the kind information you provided to us

How to buy Steem? Is there any good news? Are you a certified financial consultant? if you are able to take your recommendation and positioned all my money on them.itThanks for your advice.

I just wish i had more fiat to invest in steem. It's not just about the price going up, but also about changing lives for the better. I try to get people to understand what steem stands for but they laugh and it pains me. But, well, i know what I'll be getting in the next 5 to 10 years.

I knwow hat you mean, i also hunger for fiat to invest when steem islow, i fel its time to approach banks or peoepl who can give loans, ones who undrstand that WE can make them money, but they just haveto trust us, mayeb small amounts at a time, i feelliek you coudl show investors hwo to buy SP whel its cheap, use it to sell votes or lease ouyt to havepassive income, or you coudl sue it to self vote and givethem serious return if u adde ditto ur existing SP, i feel there ios a market for investing SP into PEOPEL not bots, SOME users are omn teh cusp of getting lost of big upvtes from whales so when u find them u make adeal, u add top them some SP and they give a liquid SBD payout kidn aliek minnowbooster but they may be mroe profitable because they can get lots of big whale upvotes

i dunno it may not work but i feel like tyheres actiual profit to be made off hard working rising stars on steem, and theres only a small handfull of them at the moment!

they can become big commodities o youtube too andinstagram

its tiem we promote ourselevs acros ALL social media! steem was like the training wheels, steem is a small pond where we cna learn to swim, the OUTSIDE world of legacy sociual mediua like facebook instagram youtubee tc thats all the OCEAN soon we will get to go into the ocean when the SMT HJF209 cannal is dug and we are connecte d o teh rest of teh world, then BILLIONS of dollars in value will FLOOD into steem!

I would say Amen to that even if it's a song. I will also download the app right away and test how it works

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