What is happening in @dStors ? Renamed or Split to @dCommerce ?
What is happening in @dStors ? Renamed or Split to @dCommerce ?
( https://steemit.com/steem/@accountsale/whatis-happening-in-dstors-renamed-or-split-to-dcommerce--1545748199219 )
2018.12.25.Tue, 23:30 by @accountSale
There are 3 confusing messages found about @dStors and @dCommerce.
"디스토어가 @dcommerce 란 새로운 이름을 사용하기로 했다고 합니다.
좀 더 전문적인 경영에 집중하고
좀 더 전문적인 브랜드로 탄생하기 위해
@dcommerce 란 새로운 이름을 갖았다 합니다."
clearly indicating that "@dStors is renamed to and replaced by @dCommerce"
and encouraging to cancel delegation to @dStors and redelegate to @dCommerce
by " 디스토어로 임대하신 분들에게
임대취소와 재임대의 번거로움을 드리게 된 점에
디커머스팀은 많이 죄송하게 생각하고 있다고 합니다.
그래서 그런 불편에 대한 새로운 보상 방법을 적용하고자 한답니다.
A라운드에 임대하신 분들은 디커머스로 재임대시
최초의 임대시점을 적용 받습니다.
예로 지난 12월20에 최초 임대를 하신 분이
@dcommerce 로 임대 변경에 여전히 12월 20일의 임대시점를 인정 받으십니다.
또한 @dcommerce 는 A라운드 임대분의 디커머스 재임대에 대해
기존 3배 코인 보상을 4배로 보답을 하도록 결정을 내렸다고 합니다.
물론 B라운드의 보상은 변함없이 2배 입니다."
@dCommerce itself says that
"@dStors Splits & @dCommerce Emerges"
at https://steemit.com/dcommerce/@dcommerce/dstors-project-has-a-brand-new-name-dcommerce
@dStors does not say anything about this yet except merry christmas,
@kaliju maybe some important account from @dStors says
nothing to announce from my side - They're taking their whitepaper with them
I'll just build dStors like all others
at https://steemit.com/dstors/@dstors/merry-christmas-and-happy-holidays#@kaliju/re-whatsup-re-dstors-merry-christmas-and-happy-holidays-20181225t021122695z
And @deragnedvisions maybe another important account from @dStors says
"@kaliju and I are still with @dstors.
the posting wasn't us"
What is going on @dStors and @dCommerce ?
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Thank you, please review and decide for yourself: https://steemit.com/dstors/@dstors/official-statement-from-dstors
Thank you @kaliju for your clarifications.
Confusion solved. @dStors hard-forked. @dStors and @dCommerce are different.
( https://steemit.com/steem/@accountsale/confusionsolved-dstors-hardforked-dstors-and-dcommerce-are-different-1545765079821 )
2018.12.26.Wed.03.58, by @accountSale.
Hi @accountsale, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @deragnedvision doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @derangedvisions ?
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.Thank you @checky for your correction.