Managing the Voting Power of Multiple Staked Tokens

in #steem5 years ago

Not investment advice or likely the most desired method for some, but I think this might work for the time being.

best with red wine source

The 'issue'

I follow a number of people who are now producing content picked up by the Steem front-ends,,,, etc, but using one account to vote (abh12345) means that there is 'spare' voting power available when a post that I vote on doesn't use the likes of #palnet, #steemleo, #spt (for splintertalk).

Often over the past couple of weeks, my Steem VP has been as low as 80%, but my PAL VP is in the 90's and it's likely that for the foreseeable future, my LEO and SPT VP are going to be sat on 100% quite a lot of the time.

Say you vote on 30 posts a day, 20 of those use the palnet tag, and only 5 use the steemleo and spt tags, the VP of the latter is going to be sat idle at 100%.

With no option on these interfaces as yet to 'idle' the Steem VP and only vote with the 'local' VP, I've gone for the following approach for now.

You will need:

  • A Steem account for each tribe/token
  • A little SP to delegate to said account/s
  • To know your way around @holger80's
  • To delegate (some of?) your PAL (or other token if/when the option is added) to this account

Steem Account

Today I created @abh12345.pal here:

I did almost give up but was asked by the develper, @reazuliqbal, to try Steem Keychain with Firefox instead of Chrome, and it worked like a charm.

Next, I delegated a small amount of Steem Power to @abh12345.pal using this link:

If the account does nothing but vote, I think 25 SP will be plenty and I'll be keeping an eye on the Resource Credits for the pal account via Steemworld.

To make @abh12345.pal vote on the same content as my main account, I added a 'New Trail Vote Rule' on

The interface looks a bit scary with so many options, but the ones I changed are:

  • vote to follow = abh12345
  • only main post = unchecked
  • vote weight scaler = 350
  • min VP = 75%
  • include tags = palnet

vote to follow should be pretty obvious :)

only main post unchecked - because I want the abh12345.pal to vote on comments also (when appropriate)

vote weight scaler - This is the cool one. The reason for this whole exercise is that there are less palnet posts than Steem posts, and so I've told @abh12345.pal to vote with 3.5x the weight than my main account. This is the setting I'm most likely to be playing around with in the coming days.

min VP - A limit of 75% VP for @abh12345.pal, although ideally the above setting should help with number not be breached.

include tags - palnet. Do I need this setting? Not sure but it's in there for now

Delegating PAL (Or a n other token)

This is done on and those with staked PAL will see an icon in their wallet that looks like this

Click, chose your alt, choose the amount to delegate and off the stake goes.

Whilst writing this post, I received unofficial confirmation that delegation options will be coming for LEO in the next week or so. So basically, I'll be repeating the above to target #steemleo posts with extra LEO VP :)

Test Case

A 50% vote from the main account puts me pretty low down the pecking order here:

But the pal alt account landed just after my initial vote and is sitting pretty at the top!

Result - Spare PAL VP is used on the content I like, and @meesterboom loves me more :)

Bonus feature

With an additional account, you are free to logon to the the appropriate interface ( in the example above) and bring out some potential reward management via downvotes. Currently there is a free one for palnet and not on Steem, and soon there will be 2.5 free ones on Steem, but will follow right away, if at all?

Anyway, this is what I'm doing for the time being, feel free to critique and/or share your approach.




I am doing the same because I wanted to see how much VP I have for each Token and individual accounts are the easiest way and I stopped wasting precious VP.

I just need to make a leo account and link it again.

Du erhieltest aufgrund deiner LanaCharleenToken ein Upvote von @sebescen81 und von @lanacharleen alt-Text
Vielen lieben Dank für euren Support. Der Account meiner Tochter wächst und gedeiht.

Good luck :D


Just write spammy posts about the steemmonsters card market every day. And don't forget to include your actfit in there also--apparently that's the new thing to do. I saw one guy write a post about a house he wondered why was priced so high when on a walk for his actfit in the steemleo hash tag. You can't flag that kind of creativity. But if he starts doing that with every house on his walk every day there be a point where the novelty and creativity wears off a bit with me, lol.

Does the amount of distance your elven cutthroat travels to sneak another monster count towards an actifit post?

Haha, maybe. I think it depends on if your elven hits its' target or misses, the velocity of the object you throw or punch after your elven does his job or not, haha.

Ha ha, you made me laugh. :)
I found no more abandoned crazy expensive houses today, so no more reasons for that tag @cryptkeeper17. (check my blog)
In general I'm quite concern about this tag abuse, and will support any active measure against it.
I can live with this the first few, 2-3 days, as such "overtaging" probably was building more good that bad (more awareness, excitement, talks about this new great thing on steemit). But sure not in a long run.

I was suggesting last night on discord, to load @noleo4u with at least 0.5 mln VP, better yet 1 mln LEOs.
Just noticed it has now 250K LEO's.
Will see if this is enough.

Haha I certainly didn't come here to bust anyone's marbles in here @onealfa. Someone really has to mess with me to draw a flag. I am like the sports official who has an engagement scheduled right after the game. Play ball folks, just about anything goes unless you shame me into doing something because there is a superior level of flagrant apathy and ignorance going on. Like I said before-I enjoy the creativity! All the power to them, I actually want to see a vlog of someone legitimately doing a post that incorporates like 10-12 of these new alt chains. It will be like the one man band... like Coldplay here..

haha, genius!

Next week he'll investing in a bottle of water and discussing the extra value saved when buying 5 litres over 500ml.

I've been flagging with my mighty LEO stake this morning - Those 'my twitter feed' posts are annoying as is, even more so when they don't relate to investing at all.

Thank you for introducing me to @holger80’s tool 🙌 dang so wish I knew about this awhile ago 😝

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've also thought about the same and wanted to create new accounts. In my case, I don't have enough resource credits to claim my own new account. But I have a few concerns/questions on this:

  1. PAL delegation is currently having a bug. People who delegated their PAL already did not receive equivalent LEO for the delegated pal. Even the account which received the delegation also did not receive the LEO. Say, if there is another new token based platform is launched tomorrow based on the PAL stake, we will not be getting the airdrop.

  2. What is the end for these token based platforms? Let's say in one years time there are about 100 such platforms and each for a specific tag, and let's assume all these 100 platforms are popular and usable like spt, pal, leo, sct etc. Should we be creating 100 new accounts then to maintain the voting power? 😂😛

  3. Some of the platforms like spt is not currently providing a delegation option yet.

  4. From the chain perspective, every individual will be holding multiple accounts like bala-pal, bala-sct, bala-leo, bala-spt etc. Will that even be a wise thing to do? It can even get difficult for us to maintain all these alt accounts. 😀

I feel there should definitely be a better way for this. I personally feel that this should not be the way the blockchain should be going. 🙂

  1. This is in the process of being resolved - steemleo discord if you have this problem.
  2. Potentially! Best to focus on the ones that interest you most as it will be impossible to keep up!
  3. I have been told it is on the way very soon - in the mean time I have transferred to abh12345.spt and staked there.
  4. Yes it could - a good way to get used to handling keys. Steem Keychain, available from the firefox and chrome stores, is brilliant :)

I understand where you are coming from, I'm just providing a solution to suite where we are right now :)

That's a sensible reply. I have completed creating my alt accounts for each token. I also wrote a bot that will check for specific tags and vote people whom I wish to curate regularly. :)

Thanks :)

A voting bot that checks tags, pretty smart and I think following the next hardfork, it will be very advantageous to run your own bot.

Is it? Please tell me more details about that. I'm not following the hardfork discussions properly. How is it advantageous to run my own bot. Enlighten me with some post or something to read. 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

I think I took all steps now for pal. I had to kick the wolf outside for it but it's worth it.

On to the next (think self-esteem too?).
Know not only @meesterboom loves you more now, me too (and @fitinfun)

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol, the love is flowing!!

And the holiday beers too I hope!

Yes it is 💕💗

Posted using Partiko Android

A good idea for owners of accounts with enough RC's to obtain a free account. I have two accounts already, and it is a nightmare at times trying to get/keep them separated.

The nice thing about your method is once the account is done it is all automated. I will have to think about it. I still want to keep my last free token for something, I just don't know what yet. But Steem VP dropping and steem price dropping, not a good combo right now, so I will just have to be careful. At least the PAL builds slowly but surely, along with the steem.

Yeah the automation is key, especially if/when more tokens/tribes arrive.

Hit me up on discord when you have some time?

I will need to do a bit more thinking on if I want to do a vote account for the different tribes/communities. I can see this taking off especially if people look at some of the tribes as I do as magazines on a rack, and easy content to find. It will really negate the steemit trending list. If I want to see a financial or a sports report I will have a place to go. I think there is a sports talk one stated already, but not sure, it is going to be hard to keep up at times especially during the rapid growth period.

Then keeping track of all the passwords for all the accounts. nightmare.

Daaamn son, where there’s a will there’s a way, pretty cool work around! Putting those side stakes to good use!

I think I’ll wait until one of the smart homies give us a local voting option!

I’m now a minnow on PAL, LEO and SPORTS would love to able to curate independently one day

Posted using Partiko iOS

Local voting is available on dtube and so I don't see why other interfaces won't have that option soon.

I do the occasional football related post and will be using the necessary tags if I remember.

Cheers to multi-minnow :)

Incredible! Two questions, so if the side account votes on a comment for a post with the pal tag it would also receive pal?

And then how many staked token would make this worth? I have some PAL but barely any spt...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes I think so, is my current answer. I see some of the commentators above have posted through steemleo, and my .leo alt has followed my steem account with a vote, and some have used another interface and the .leo account hasn't voted.

How many staked tokens is tough to call. Curation is tiny for small accounts, although the next fork could well improve things.

Hmmm the side account receives normal curation rewards but needs ofc staked PAL to receive them.

huh clever!

Cheers! So clever I forgot to vote my own post - tomorrow maybe :)

:) So if i lease my steemleo, PAL, Sports and 100 other tokens to you what sort of return can i expect? This might be the other option :)

heh :)

I have absolutely no idea, especially with the fluctuating prices at present. Leasing SP is a mugs game (for the buyer) imo, no way to profit without going nuclear and self-voting like a dick.

The above is hassle to set-up but i think will should work quite well for now.

So what, @swelker101 can ruin steem for me, I will try my hardest to ruin it for you! Get them to stop and I will leave all the pieces of shit alone! I'll scare them off prolly'! Fuck ALL You Guys!

So what?

You call me names for my 11th self-vote in 2019 and I find you have done the same over 650 times?

Fucking hypocrite. You will earn nothing here ever again on this account.

I already don't earn a thing - IDK! It is not about you, it is about @swelker101!

You made it about me when you started flagging me for something you have done 650 more times this year.

There is no point discussing matters with you, I hope you find peace in your heart and mind at some point.

Nice Solution Asher! I do feel steem/steemit (which was already quite complicated), just took it to another level with the different front-ends and tokens to upvote with. I can't imagine coming here as a new guy now trying to understand how everything works around here, It's already hard to keep up with all the developments as an everyday user for the past 2 years.

For sure, this is not for the new guys. I'm wondering if in the future, new arrivals will be more likely to be onboarded by these different front-ends and apps, and so maybe they wont desire to be staked-up all over the place.

Those of use who have been here a while and are getting all these drops though - gotta put these tokens to good use!

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