How to earn $100 000 With Steemit

For these past two months, I have been posting on Steemit and have learnt a great deal about the workings of this platform and the Steem community. In this essay, I shall elucidate the lessons I have acquired through my experience.

But before I commence, allow me to mention that the majority of my earnings have derived from capital appreciation, that is to say, the Steem Power I have acquired has appreciated in value. Investing in the future is the surest way to amass wealth. Steemit not only enables our transition from mere consumers to active producers, but it also empowers us to become investors, granting us a stake in the very project we labour for and contribute to.

I cannot help but recall the fundraising endeavour of Oculus, wherein they procured a sum of 2 million dollars through crowdfunding from ordinary individuals. Subsequently, Oculus was acquired by Facebook for a staggering sum of 2 billion dollars. Alas, the crowd who supported Oculus in its infancy were left with naught but t-shirts, perks, and an alpha product, devoid of any stake in the company's triumph. Steemit, however, presents a novel paradigm. Should Steemit attain a valuation akin to that of Facebook, we, as contributors and investors, shall share in its prosperity, simply by accumulating and holding Steem Power.

Now, I present to you the five most salient lessons I have gleaned thus far:

  1. Write About Your Realm of Expertise:

Amidst the deluge of content that inundates Steem, it may be tempting to conform to topics that garner upvotes. However, I advocate for writing about subjects that reside within your realm of expertise and passion. For every generic post that ascends to prominence, there exist hundreds that languish in obscurity. Thus, while the most successful posts may belong to a particular category, it is equally true that the least successful ones inhabit the same category.

In my own experience, I frequently write about cryptocurrency, given my involvement with a company named BitSpace. Additionally, my academic background in philosophy and my personal interests in spirituality have inspired me to pen articles that explore these realms. By writing about topics that resonate with your knowledge and passion, you create authentic value rather than merely emulating others.

  1. Embrace Transparency and Honesty:

Transparency and honesty are virtues that should be upheld in your writings. It is facile to deceive oneself and others, but such deception will inevitably manifest and be discerned by discerning readers. Thus, it is prudent to be forthright and compose your articles with sincerity and authenticity.

In my introductory post, I endeavoured to recount my life story, elucidating the path that led me to join Steemit. By baring your soul and sharing your journey, you not only impart knowledge but also offer readers a glimpse into a unique perspective and a life path that may differ from their own.

  1. Foster Creativity and Originality:

To stand out in the sea of content, it is imperative to break free from the prevailing trends and forge your own path. If you can create something of value that is imbued with creativity and originality, you increase your chances of attaining success. Many individuals tend to emulate the templates set by popular posts, fearing to venture into uncharted territories. I implore you to unleash your creativity and conceive novel concepts that provide genuine value to your readers.

In my initial forays into Steemit, I endeavoured to be creative and original in the format and substance of my posts. Steemit, in its nascent stages, presented a novel playing field, and we were all in the process of deciphering its intricacies and experimenting with new ideas. For instance, I authored a post titled "How to Incorporate Gambling, Prediction Markets, and Charity on Steemit," and another titled "Top Wanted Features for Steem." Both of these posts harnessed the self-referential nature of Steemit to generate value through the interplay of the post and the comments it elicited.

Consider how your unique interests and passions can coalesce to create original content tailored for Steemit. For example, while cryptocurrency-related content generally performs well on Steemit, I combined my academic background in philosophy and my interest in spirituality to craft a post titled "Decentralize Your Self!" which explored the parallels between decentralization in cryptocurrency and ego-death in spirituality.

  1. Experiment and Iterate:

Steemit provides a fertile ground for experimentation. Test new ideas and discern what resonates with your audience. The beauty of this platform lies in the immediate feedback you receive through votes and comments. Learn from this feedback and adapt your content accordingly. For instance, you may observe that posts consisting solely of a link with minimal text often fail to attract upvotes, whereas posts that are more substantive and original in content tend to garner more support.

For every successful post I have authored, there exist five others that did not fare as well. It is challenging to predict which posts will attain viral popularity, hence, persistence and passion are key. Continue posting, experimenting, and refining your approach based on the feedback you receive.

  1. Seize the Moment:

My final counsel to those aspiring to make their mark on Steem is to commence their endeavours without delay. As mentioned earlier, Steem Power represents an investment in the future, and the sooner you embark on this journey, the greater the rewards. As the platform gains traction and competition intensifies, establishing a presence and garnering attention will become more challenging.

This implies that you should not hoard your best content for some distant future. Cast aside perfectionism, for it is the bane of productivity. The post-payouts are still flourishing from last week's surge in Steem price, presenting a golden opportunity that should not be squandered.

In conclusion, I trust that these insights will prove beneficial to your endeavours on Steemit. Remember, by investing in Steem Power, you are investing in the future, and the potential rewards are indeed substantial. Steemit not only empowers us as producers but also as investors, granting us a stake in its success. So, embark on this journey with enthusiasm and a spirit of experimentation, and may your endeavours be crowned with success!

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