Getting Started with Steemit Resources - Your Steem Toolkit

in #steem-tools7 years ago (edited)

Beginner’s Guide to Must Have Steem Resoures

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There are a number of incredibly useful tools that can help optimize your Steemit experience. One of the best places to find resources about anything Steem and Steemit related is the App Center. Let’s get straight to it then! by @penguinpablo

I only recently discovered this awesome tool over the last few days and I love it! It’s incredibly informative, simple, intuitive to use and perhaps what I enjoy the most is its sleek and uncluttered interface.

SteemNow Features:

  • Current Voting power: ex. 59% at the time of writing

  • How much your upvote is worth (@current power)

  • Check your reputation with 3 decimals

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After HF19, it's more important than ever to be aware of your voting power and upvote value.

Reputations can skyrocket early on in your Steemit experience as you steadily improve and increase the number of posts you upload. However, once you reach a certain stage, say low to mid 60s, things start to slow down considerably.

It can feel like Eons moving from 63-65 rep. and beyond.

While there are a number of tools that display you’re rep, such as @blueorgy’s SteemCool (which looks fantastic), Steem Now gives you a slightly better idea of how far I am from a level up.

So if you’re like me and curious about how close you are to gaining a new level of reputation, the 3 decimals helps to give you a better idea of when that might happen.

Currently I’m at 65.821…so I should reach 66 sometime… soonish… errr.... actually I have no freaking clue.

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But still nice to know.

It also calculates your pending payouts as well:

  • Latest author rewards
  • Latest curation rewards
  • Latest posts (total pending author rewards)

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Steemviz.vom by @ausbitbank

Aside from being one of my favorite contributors on Steemit, @ausbitbank is also a talented developer and Steemviz is another must have in your Steemit tool-kit.

For first time visitors you might feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of information smacking you in the face, essentially this is Steemit activity in real time.

Don’t panic!

Instead, navigate to calmer waters. Check out the ‘more tools’ icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page for more options.

Perhaps everyone’s favorite activity after posting is calculating your future payouts.

Enter a Steemit username and you can view their pending payouts

BUT DON’T COUNT YOUR EGGS BEFORE THEY HATCH – payouts can vary depending on the current price of Steem/SBD and any posts that receive flags could lose a significant amount of rewards before payout.

There are a whole host of indispensable tools here:   steem network realtime vizualisation.png

Note: Deleted Posts Viewer (after 6 months I still have no idea how to delete a post once it’s gone up)

There’s a lot to explore here and something for everyone.

Steem Whales by @heimindanger


Visually chart your progress from day one as a minnow to your present marine creature incarnation.

This is the ultimate site for understanding the Steemit ecosystem.

Again, simply enter a user name and check out their rankings and stats.

Click on a profile name in the rankings list and you can examine individual profiles in detail.

Toggle between daily and weekly graphs describing wallet history, view rewards progress and keep track of your social network.

v4vapid on   Weekly SteemIt Data.png

These are a few of my favorite tools in the Steemit universe but there are plenty more.

Visit Steem app center for a wide range of tools.

What's Your Favorite?

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More Resources (Ground Zero for Steem Tools)

Guide (Highly recommended for beginners)

WhaleSonar (Best Whale Watching Site - Actually I just love whale sounds)



Tons of great info in this post. I was actually just wishing I had a post with all the most helpful Steemit companion tools. You rock!

I have been collecting so many steemit-related links recently, and it's been hard to find the time to know what does what and where to go. This has given me a huge head start in investigating my long list of links, and added some to it. Thanks so much!

No worries man, the purpose of this post was to point out some of the tools I find myself using regularly...I'm sure there'll be more to add to the list very soon.

The amount of resources can be pretty overwhelming, glad this post is useful!

Looking forward to your next vlog broheim!

If I ever get around to figuring the rest of the steemit related links I've been directed to over these past couple of weeks, and make a post about them, I'll be sure to use the heavy-lifting you've already done with this article and direct them to you to complete the list.

This is exactly the one what I was hoping for!! Thanks for sharing @v4vapid ;) Great post I've ever seen on Steemit!

Cheers, Hope these tools are as helpful to you as they are to me!

When I first started I thought it was just one platform, Steemit. I later realized that I was completely wrong because there were so many different tools on different sites made by our very own developers! It's crazy to see so much transparency on this platform. You can literally see what everyone is doing on each of these sites.

You're right, it's pretty incredible to see the accelerating growth of Steemit and all the affiliated sites. Honestly, I can barely keep up!

At first I thought it was people putting out spam links, but then I realized they were so useful. To this day I'm still learning about new tools each day and to see people create more tools every week, it's mind blowing! Goes to show how much development is behind steem.

Excellent post, very useful to have all these fantastic tools in one place, thank you!

Is there any tool that you know of that enables you to see a list of what a selection of usernames (say 5 - 10 people) post on one easy to see screen whom you like to follow and don't want to miss posts from?

Hhmm that's good question. The closest thing I can think of is sign up to Streemian

They have a Fanbase service that provides you with notifications on your favorite authors/posters.

Another option would be to sign up for

After you make an account you can set up your account to follow specific authors. You can even pre-select voting preferences to always vote on their new posts.

Thanks, I'll try the Streemian Fanbase service, sounds like it would do what I'd need.

Next one: How about categories? Is there something you know of that would let me see all posts in for example whalepower and challenge30days categories at the same time? Or do I have get to know some developers and ask them to create something?

Thank you for the ultra-useful tips and resources, @v4vapid (funny name 😉👍). Appreciate you putting in the effort to assemble all of these in one handy guide to help those of us who are possibly overwhelmed with the volume of information out there.

Thanks, this looks useful, resteemed :)

Man, how many details!

I will definitely follow this. Useful post @v4vapid