NEW: Steemit Statistic's News

in #steem-stats8 years ago (edited)

Myself and @steemitguide have been working on summarising my Weekly Statistic Post in an infographic format. If you would like to see my previous posts;

Past Post Here: Week 6 / Week 5 / Week 4 / Week 3 / Week 2 / Week 1

@steemitguide has made some great progress on this project, and I present to you a draft of the format. I was hoping to get feedback on the key performance indicators you would like included in this weekly post, so we can make sure this is tailored to the Steemit audience as much as possible.

I think this will end up being a far more digestible way of keeping up with Steemit's development moving forward. I plan to post this separately to my normal Statistic's post, so certain users still have access to the full data stream I have been posting over the past 6 weeks.

We will be working together on formatting the post to be as clearly as possible. Part of this is leaving ALL graphical design to @steemitguide, who is saving you all from a complete disaster, if I was to be in control of this element of the project.

Very Interested to hear your opinions..


Bless you and @steemitguide
An infographic is brilliant and so much easier on the eyes. Instead of a steady scroll and feeling like I'm being bonked on the head, this is pleasant to read and digest :)

The STEEM allocation visual is most compelling to me. I knew it was a lot, but 94% of total STEEM supply is a whole lot of Steem Power locked up!

And this has been reducing rapidly over the past 6 weeks. We were at over 97%... I will make sure this is included moving forward. Thanks @ntomaino

I think the biggest value you offered in your last stats posts was to highlight a few key areas and provide your view on it.

It's the analysis of those numbers and your take on things that really has value in my opinion. Not making it visually appealing. Although its good too, just add in the extra insights :)

That's good to here @wingz. Even more reason to keep the posts seperate.

All due respect to @wingz, both posts have value, one is more objective and one is more subjective, while your analysis is top notch, it's theoretical and subjective, this information is more objective. To attempt to weigh one against the other, I think, is impossible. Both have plenty of value and aesthetics do have value to many (in fact most) people. Personally I find this to be of more value because as a content-creator and not a trader, this is really all I need/want to know.

That's fair enough @andrarchy

I must have skipped over the part where you said you'd separate them :P

I think it could be a good idea to provide a link to the other one so people can go a little deeper if they want.

Yes! This is AMAZING. I've been wanting someone to do this from the very beginning! Part of the great thing about Steemit for me is how common it is for me to want to something and eventually someone talented and smart provides it. I hope this becomes a regular installment and if there's anything I can do to help please let me know. Many people seem obsessed with the minutiae when IMO this is really all you need to know if you just want to create content. Almost everything aside from this data is opinion and speculation.

This is great information , thank you!

It's sad to see that the price has been cut in half in just a couple weeks... Also it is interesting to see that the total number of accounts is up at all time highs but the weekly active accounts is down each week... I kinda suspected that just from the posting lately... there doesn't seem to be as much activity as there was just a couple weeks ago.

Despite increased of new accounts, the market seems to follow the same trend as the number of active users. Is there would be a loss of interest in Steemit?

Do you mean the market price of steem follows the trend of active users on the site?

Or the same curve?

Users number are not what they appear to be on the surface, I touched on this in Week 6. Would be great to hear what you believe to be the key statistic to include each week @jrcornel

Total posts + total reply's... I like those 2 numbers combined together (as well as presented independently). To me that gives me a pretty good indicator of the level of "activity" going on.

I hadn't realized you have that other weekly post.. at least not to the extent it goes. Nicely done. There is no need to include that information in this post if you'd like to keep them separate.

Regarding the data, It is interesting to see that the overall activity level has trended down since the end of June... that appears to be the euphoria days. Even though accounts keep steadily increasing... people creating secondary accounts???

Regarding the formatting of this post, I agree with @wingz. The formatting is fine but the real value is you interpreting the data. Everyone reads things differently and also I'm sure new users don't really know what they are looking at just yet, by providing commentary you answer any unasked questions :)

Thanks @jrcornel

Activity and User number data has been messed up by miners, bots and the founders taking measures against these types of user. See @dantheman article here

Your post is really useful to us. I will make sure to include the Total posts + Total reply's metric

How are the number of accounts rising so quickly but none of those users becoming active?

Scammers, spammers, and people who couldn't quite get the hang of it? I've personally brought in 7 people (that I know in real life) who haven't posted yet, even with me teaching them what I can. :(

Miners. There are a lot of users setting up multiple accounts for sign up fee's. To get a better reflection of user numbers, see this post by @dantheman here

This explains it. I didn't think about that. Thanks man!

Very good idea!!
Over there might try with infographics, and add some more data, no?
Because it give that impresion. Dont you think?

Hello @sebhaj. Thanks for your post. I'm a little confused by your reply. Would you mind reposting?

great work
accessible and understandable
Thank you

less users -> Cheaper Steem?

There are a number of reasons to ignore user number data which I went over in my last post. Would be interesting to hear which statistics you feel would be most valuable to include in this post...

Is there any way to track total number of posts per day?

Sure. I already have that included in my weekly post. That can be included here no problem...


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