STEEM POLITICS - WHALE WEALTH IS LIKE BITCOIN - Making the whole Ecosystem Stronger
Whale Regard Here
Steemit Ecosystem in fact needs Whales. Whales play a vital role in taking care of their environment. This happens in a myriad of ways. If the Health and Well Being of Whales suffers, so to does the rest of the ecosystem. If we take a moment here to reflect on the point of question and exclamation, "How Whales Change the Environment?!" - An opportunity exists to expand our overall Steemit environment.
The 80/20 Rule - Pareto Principle
This is a fascinating observation that is evident in nature, economics, sports, computer sciences and mathematics. 20% account for 80%....80% account for 20%.
See examples here:
I felt compelled to put this piece together because recently I've encountered some complaining and moaning about "things not being fair" and that, "whales are a bunch of circle jerker's."
It's important to note: "Not once" did I hear any of the following phrases:
"Hey, those guys who invested in Steemit early on,....They must be quite smart...You know because they could see the big picture value here."
"I'd love to pick the brain of a whale and get some added perspective"
"I'm sure grateful for the whales in the Steemit ecosystem.....without the whales the ecosystem wouldn't hardly exist."
Have a Whale of a Good Time Everyone
Steem On, The Dream is Live,
You Have a Golden Ticket
Know Thy Power UP,
It's Most Triumphant
Pareto's Law is prevalent in all aspects of productivity. 20% of our activities, produce 80% of our results. 20% of the sales people, produce 80% of the sales.
In the investing world, whales help an asset find it's true market value. When an asset is overvalued, whales are always the first to recognize this and will sell to take profits, stabilizing the asset to find it's real value. They are whales for a reason. They understand the fundamental evaluation process and have the most to gain/lose. They are undoubtedly the most skilled and shrewd of the investor class. The free market when allowed to function properly (hear that Wall Street) will always determine fair value, in large part due to the whales.
I had a good friend a couple weeks ago complaining about his sales force. He had 2 alpha's and the rest just did enough to get by. He wanted to know
if I would help motivate/train the rest of his sales force. What I simply said was "some will sell, and some won't. No matter how hard you try, Pareto's Law always holds true." Whales and minnows need each other. Together they complete the circle.
Very Well placed @orionschariot
world class!
I would generally agree, except for the fact that some whales got there purely through "dumb luck" (ie. "sometimes it's better to be lucky than smart"), and that's just fine too. The real problem is that for at least some whales, it's that big money often changes people and skews how they think, as they succumb to the "hubris" of it all. And next thing, you have people like George Soros trying to force the world into their twisted version of how they think it should be.
That's why it's so important to stay humble regardless, and definitely don't just blindly follow a "whale" into a trade, lest your "whale guru" turns out to be the next Bill Ackman. The following video is worth watching as well. However, I would direct you first to watch 18:40->20:05, where Novogratz says the following:
Going back to steemit, for those of you who may have tried out randowhale or Whaleshares, this may help you maximize the effect of your "whale votes": The "SECRET" to properly summoning randowhale and Whaleshares to MAXIMIZE your ROI!
Thanks for posting the video, really interesting to hear his take on the future of this market . One point that he mentions which has been foremost is my mind is this is a "true" global market. It's not the Nikkei, Dow, S&P or Nasdaq, this is a market that encompasses the world. When equities, commodities and bond money start flowing into this sector looking for gains or a safe haven, we could see the market capitalization of a lot of these currencies go parabolic.
I absolutely agree that not all whales are savvy investors, even a blind squirrel will find a nut every now and then, but I feel the vast majority are. It's one thing to have money, another thing to keep the money, and quite another thing to grow that money. A close friend who's a broker told me years ago, that his largest, most successful clients were extremely patient and very, very decisive when they make a move. A phrase I heard at a seminar several years ago sums it up, "Big money doesn't chase the market, it makes the market, and eventually due to greed, breaks the market."
You may want to check out my post "EOS Highlights and Favorites from Ethereal and Consensus 2017". It also has links to free online versions of the books he referenced, both great books that I myself have read numerous times in the past.
Also, you may find this post by Martin Armstrong insightful as well: Personal Questions and "The Club".
And yes, I've seen that too... I even knew a few "billionaires" back in the bubbles days who were literally wiped out and forced into bankruptcy after the bubble burst...
It's all fun and games til someone loses a (insert your favorite noun)! lol
I'll definitely check out your post. Thanks for the link!
The way I see it is if you put your heart and soul into something and exert a large amount of effort, you will be successful. People need to understand that you have to earn your way to the top on Steemit. Work hard and dedicate yourself and you will see results :) Very interesting post!
Awesome @fitgirl
I agree 100% with you.
Thanks for sharing your perspective and adding to the conversation!
Steem On, The Dream is LIve
With great power comes great responsibility. Whales know this I'm sure! The interesting thing about steemit is that whales also have a big hand in determining what content is successful - a whole other set of responsibilities!
My vision is a community of authentic and supportive sharing, and so far I have not been let down.
"There's a lot of cool people on steemit" -@worldclassplayer. Agreed!and steem on playa!
Yes 100% @kimzilla
Steem On
FREE ALL THE WILLYS!! Great Post Wold Class! Steem-Nation, Stop Hating On The Visionaries! :)
Keep On Steem'N it Real @flatearth
FEPE literally just gave you his "2 cents" . :) Duality Milestone Achieved!
Climbing :)
To the Moon! (If it were Possible ;)
to the Moon, the dark side :)
That's one brilliant post!
Thanks for sharing. ☺
Hey @realmeandi
Thanks so much for the words of Support!
Much Appreciation,
Steem On, The Dream is Live,
You Have a Golden Ticket
Thank you!
Keep STEEM N ON @worldclassplayer
You have been PROMOTED FREE for using the "freedom" TAG (hashtag)
Regards and Respect
I agree with your writting.perfect bro
Thanks @safran
You are welcome
I agree...but sometime is good
Yes brother