in Steem Kids & Parents9 months ago (edited)



Hello everyone, I'm super excited and fulfilled to be teaching and mentoring Steemians in this wonderful community on Python Programming Language. All thanks to the steemit community for the privilege. Special thanks goes to @ngoenyi @bossj23 @goodybest @steemkidss

If you've ever aspired to be a desktop app developer, mobile app developer, web app developer, cyber security specialist, data scientist, game developer, etc then Python is for you as it is one of the essentials for standing out in any of the specialties it offers.

With industry-level experience in Web application development, I'll be providing a beginner-to-professional guide on Computer programming with specialization in Python Language programming.


In a series course broken down into subtopics, I'll walk us all into mastery with a hands-on tutorial. The entire learning Journey will be handled under the following topics:

  • Introduction to Python programming
  • Variables and Simple Data Types
  • Introducing Lists
  • Working with Lists
  • if Statements
  • Dictionaries
  • User Inputs and while Loops
  • Functions
  • Classes
  • Files and Exceptions
  • Testing Your Code
  • Hands-on Python Project

Each week will present itself with a new topic or a continuation from the previous topic. I'll be much available to take questions and provide solutions for any problem related to this learning Journey.
At the end of this learning Journey, you should be an industry level PYTHONISTA. You'll also want to be confident of the resource and personnel as every reference material (e.g screenshots) will be coming from my personal computer. Hence you can follow along with the screenshots. Trust me it's all gonna be fun filled.


Prior knowledge of the python programming language is not necessary as we will start from scratch.


It's one thing to ignite motivation over anything and it's another thing to remain motivated till the end. If this is what you've been waiting for, then brace up, take up the mantle and let's make it an adventure.


Learning is never complete without practice and as a matter of fact, Practicality will always beat purity. From my end, I'll be doing my best but that's not a guarantee to get it in. You'll have to get yourself to understand every concept and get your hands dirty with code snippets when you have to. Your progress and success during and after this tutorship journey depends on you.

Please do not expect any certificate as this is not a certification programme but an avenue to get skilled with this program. I'll only be tasking myself to teach and mentor under the Steemit umbrella. We should only be thankful to this community and to the Steem ecosystem as this is one of her goals to educate and enlighten people from all walks of life.


In the next post (one week from today), we will be looking at an Introduction to the holistic concept of computer Programming. As a beginner, it is necessary you understand the what, why, when and how of programming as well as basic concepts needed to kick start your learning Journey. See you then!

Much love from;

 9 months ago 

Interesting! I believe this is helpful and everyone will love this. Thank you. Let's see how it goes

Thanks for the acknowledgement. I really appreciate

 9 months ago 

Wow this really interesting and I'm very much interested in web app developer and hope you continue sharing let's see how it goes thanks.

Really!!!! I'm glad you're passionate about it. Its sure gonna go well...

Much love from @bigsam100

 9 months ago 

Alright looking forward to seeing your post.

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