SLC-S21W5 | Day Makeup
Hello dear Friends...!
I hope you are doing well...
I'm pleased to take part in the fifth lesson of this six-week course. It was great to learn and expand our experience with makeup. Today's practical session is very helpful, as knowing how to do Day makeup properly is really important because it helps to boost our confidence. As always I'm incredibly grateful to our teacher @almacaridad for the valuable insights she shares to enhance our looks.
💄 Show the shading in your eyes step by step with the "Cut Crease" technique; Tell us if you have done it before and if the process was difficult. (04 points.)
This is the first time I'm trying out the "Cut Crease" technique. I am super excited to see how it appears to me. I usually do the typical eye shadow application. But today I will be trying the new technique as guided by our teacher. So, Let's check the outcome of my process of achieving the daytime Eyebrows and Eye makeup.
After applying the pink tone; with the help of a cat's tone brush, I applied a little bit of concealer on half of my mobile eyelid and then blended it gently towards the basin of the eye.
The concealer area looked like a butterfly wing, I used the lighter tone to set the concealer and blended in the colors without making harsh strokes.
The process was a little challenging because It was the first time I tried it and separation of tones was difficult. I think I could do it better with practice. However, I loved learning a new technique for eye shadow makeup. I think it really suits daytime makeup as it gives a fresh and subtle look. I think I will try this method from now on and do more experiments to try out different eye makeup looks.
💄 Finish your makeup by adding everything previously seen in class, such as the application of foundation, lipstick, contour, and correction of imperfections; The main goal of this assessment is to achieve smooth, dull skin. (04 points)
As learned in previous practicals, I will quickly take you through the process of doing a "Day makeup". I was careful of the tone and the shades I used. Because daytime makeup should always be comfortable with fewer products and also less fancy.
While doing the makeup I noticed that we have learned a lot through this course of six weeks. I corrected the mistakes I had made in previous practicals. It was great to learn all those little techniques to achieve a basic makeup look. I believe achieving a natural look with products is harder than doing a glam look. I lined my eyes with a thin eyeliner to match the cut crease technique. Today, I hope I have achieved the smooth and dull skin look that suits day makeup keeping it natural.
💄Research what are the recommendations for makeup to be long-lasting even when it is hot days or when you do a lot of physical activity; In addition, the function of loose powder to give a better finish on our skin. (02 points)
I believe prepping the skin is crucial to ensure our makeup lasts long even in hot weather. I usually start by cleansing my skin so it removes all impurities and excess oil on my skin. Next, I use an ice cube wrapped in a small cloth, and then I gently rub it all over my face. This method is especially beneficial for those who have oily skin as it helps to reduce the oil in our skin. Then I pat dry with a clean towel before applying the primer. Applying the Ice makes my skin softer and smoother making it easy for makeup application. This way it makes my makeup stay longer.
If it's a very hot day, It's great if we can stick to minimal products to avoid the discomfort caused by heavy makeup. I also believe a good setting spray plays a crucial role as it locks all products in, making our makeup last throughout the day.
Loose powder is an essential makeup product to set our foundation without allowing it to smudge or crease. It also helps to achieve a flawless look by improving the overall look of our makeup reducing fine lines and pores, and helping to keep skin makeup products in place. Applying loose powder creates a dry surface, reducing the transfer of our skin makeup products, and also helps to give a well-defined, brightened look. It's an excellent product for setting our makeup, as it helps to control the oil production, and a small touch-up with powder can refresh our makeup look.
I invite @abi24 @lirvic and @fannyescobar to take on these amazing classes that are useful for enhancing our personal lives.

Get to know about me more | Achievement - 1 |
Pictures captured from | Iphone 8 |
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¡Hola! Que gusto que te hayas animado a participar en el Desafío de Maquillaje.
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Hi dear @almacaridad
Thank you so much for sharing the simplest techniques with us. 🌸 I will surely follow your recommendation, I’m really having a hard time covering up my stubborn dark circles everytime I do my makeup 😊
Hy my friend @vishwara.
As you said you are doing this very first time and curious about how's it also very excited to see this from the beginning when you start doing it step by step its really look amazing and also every shade in your eye give a different glow on your skin.Very best, I hope you get success in this contest, you have worked very hard.
Blessings to you my friend. ❤❤
Thank you so much for visiting dear @meehu
Blessings to you too!
Hey beautiful friend you are really beautiful and you look even more beautiful with makeup. I like the light shade on the eyes.
Hi @selina1
Thank you so much for visiting and for your kind review. Yes, it turned to a beautiful tone with concealer. 😊
OMG! You are so beautiful and the make up looks so lovely on you wishes
Hi dear @ruthjoe
Ohh thank you so much for your lovely feedback ☺️ It made my day 😀🌸
It was interesting following the steps you outlined here. I can say I learnt a thing or two about this makeup class from your post, oh and the result is so beautiful.
You look so beautiful yet subtle.
Hi @ngozi996
I’m glad you found my entry useful. I’m happy with all the feedback I receive. It’s all because of the basic technique’s we learnt through this six week course. 😊🌸
Hasil riasannya sangat bagus sekali ,terutama saya sangat suka alis nya di buat dengan rapi,perpaduan lipstiknya juga sangat cantik.
Thank you so much for your feedback @maulina92. 🌸
Amiga quedaste bien linda, has puesto en practica lo aprendido y corregido errores aplicando las técnicas de maquillaje apropiadas. Suerte en el challenge.
Hi dear friend @isgledysduarte
Thank you so much for visiting and for your lovely feedback on my entry 😊🌸