Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Dreams

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 months ago (edited)


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Monkey Business

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Write a comment about the dreams

Tulis komentar tentang mimpi


• Post in the comment section

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• Minimum of words: 25

• No plagiarism

• Mention your sources if needed

• All Steemians are welcome!

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• Read others, talk + upvote. Engagement is important.
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• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment #dreams

• Deadline: till the next is online

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paid by @wakeupkitty.pal

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Date: 14.1.2025

I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP by writing. Please, do NOT post in it unless you are invited!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

cc @disconnect

#betterlife #comment #contest #dreams #wewrite #steemexclusive

 2 months ago (edited)

Freud said Dream is a royal road to the unconscious and according to Cambridge dictionary Dream as noun mean Hope. I was a lucid dreamer which means when I dream, I know that I'm dreaming, and I forgot where I put my dreams diary. I have a habit of sleeping when I thought I need an inspiration to accomplish a mission or seek for resolution of several issues in the real life. I can remember my dream clearly when I wake up if I mean it to be.

His dream!

Somehow, my hubby was having a prophetic dream before we met. That's why it didn't take long to make him asked for me to be his wife via phone call, LOL. I was wondering what he saw in his dream, but all I know we both trying our best to fulfil the dream. I never dreamed to be his wife, but I know I'll have a wedding party according to my dream (hope) and we did it 9 years ago. He dreamed to have a wedding ceremony at the Baiturahman Mosque in Banda Aceh and I did my best to arrange that. My dream wedding party is a picnic kinda party at the beach.

My Dream!

So, we both have something like "A dream come true". I never afraid of dreaming and never underestimated any type of dreams. Whether it's a lucid dream or a nightmare. I learned that having a dream of someone who's already dead is the way I projected my consciousness of missing them.

I think, there's always a message in any dreams I had. Many times, I dreamed what I have read or watched on TV and I know it's a dream. The dream that I anticipated the most is meeting the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. I dreamed of him once and I feel bad because I couldn't get closer and talk to him, but I know it was him. He saw me and smile at me while he's surrounded by so many beautiful children that I've never met. I feel blessed, because I love him so much.

Funny thing was, before I married my husband (when were engaged already and we had a long-distance relationship) I had a dream about marrying someone else who I don't remember the face. When I told my hubby about that he said, it was him because he dreamed the same thing about me at the same time. I wonder, how can it be? is there some kind of telepathy or what? so, I think it's a hope that we carried in our heart and mind during the day.

I remember what Oscar Hammerstein II quote

so, whether dream as series image while you're sleeping or dream as a hope/aspiration/goals... you gotta bravely accept that and do your best to make it come true.

@wakeupkitty.pal, mission accomplished!!
#betterlife #comments #steemexclusive #dreams

That is a lot you share about dreams in different ways and I agree with most of it although I am no friend of Freud or perhaps more of all those old fashioned "doctors" still repeating what he preached. Let's not forget that no matter how you take it Freud had an obsession for his mother which he projected on his ideas without any room for other explanations as what he felt.

Dreams.. should they all be realized? If that happens what will be left to dream about?

I believe your husband is right. It's possible to feel another, the connection since I can with my beloved ones.

I wish you many dreams (which you have since we dream more than one dream per night).

 2 months ago 

Well, since Freud was the one who cane up with the theory and many other academicians use it as the basic of their further researches, it's the most popular definition and easy to understand. We don't need to always questioning the personal related behavior of someone who stated his theory or opinion. No body is perfect to start with.

Not every dreams should be realized, it depends on those who dreaming. They can choose to make it happen or just left it in the notebook, as illusions.

Thank you for the wishes 😌 I have a series of dreams in my sleep, sometimes 😅😅 and it has "to be continued" banner at the end of each

What surprises me most is that those academicians learned nothing new in 2025 and still go for some theory of a guy living in a different century. What does this say about the scientist, doctors today?

Why not educate children with schoolbooks of 1900 as well...

Dream on, I can't remember mine but I slept well although short (can be that's the reason?)

 2 months ago (edited)


Oh Yeah!!! For sure... We only think we are awake.

But I did have a recurring dream when I was younger, before I set out to find the meaning and purpose of life.

The dream was like this:
I was an astronaut and being sent into space in a spaceship. When it was time to return to earth and I stepped out of the space ship and embraced my family. But there was no substance to their forms. It was like hugging the air. There was nothing there.

Panicked, I would get back in the space ship and go up into space again and then come back to earth again. But the same thing would happen over and over again in just one night. I would wake up in a cold sweat.

This went on for several weeks. I dreaded going to sleep. I thought maybe the dream was telling me there were parallel universes?

Anyway, I couldn't stand it anymore. I decided that before going to sleep I would somehow stay away even while sleeping and when the dream started I would get into the space ship, go up into outer space and jump out.


It worked. I never had that dream again. But being awake it was still a challenge trying to find substance in relationships.

Maybe you would like to enter this contest: @olivia08 @shahid76 @okere-blessing

#betterlife #comment #dreams

 2 months ago (edited)

It sounds like a film where you are always into the same loop. The circle/life you are in and no matter how hard (you believe) you try it won't break the spell.
The only way to break it was to change drastically and you did by taking a risky jump! It worked. You did jumped out of that loop.

I know I did do simular things by saying I would not dream that again. Day or night, awake or asleep we always dream a little or big dream. The brain never takes a break.

Beach House - Space Song

Lyrics included

@ibesso this song reminds me of you
@yaladeeds you are not forgotten


Thanks @wakeupkitty.pal, I listened to it with my eyes closed 🤗 @yaladeeds, my wish is a falling star.

I hope that star will not fall on her head!
It's good to see you stop by again. I hope you are happy and wish you a colourful weekend.

Wakeupkitty doing her thing... :>)

OMG this is so noooot me! LOL

Maybe a little bit...

 2 months ago 

Mimpi yang keren, walupun tidak pernah keluar angkasa, tetapi sudah ada di dalm mimpi, sudah merasakan luar angkasa, sngat mantap.

Saya bermimpi di kejar oleh gelombang laut, mungkin karena saya anak pesisir ya...

I would think that children growing up with water, in your case the ocean, would not be chased by the water. Did you steer your dream/way of thinking into a different direction like jiva34 did?

 2 months ago 

Kalau bermain sama ombak pasti di kejar sama ombak. Dulu saya juga pernah di kejar sama ombak besar.

 2 months ago (edited)

Maybe you were in a sand crab body last life. Chased by waves....

 2 months ago 

Saya pernah di kejar sama ombak, ombak yang sangat dahsyat

Oh. Yes that is terrifying... I can see why sometimes dreaming of it.

Best regards
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Team 01 - Steemit Explorers Team



Thank you...

I imagine you like the one who went to the moon, its not @jiva34. Hahaha. I remember my high school days about the story of your dream because I could not imagine that there were people who able to go to the moon. I though it was just a dream. It's real and a real dream of yours.

I want to experience that dream to see the universe and space.

 2 months ago (edited)

There is a lot of controversy about the space travel. Whether they actually went to the moon. There is talk that it was a political ploy against Russia at the time. I mean really, all they came back with was a few rocks?

Yes, no one know its true or what but its already in the head of the people around the world. Just like the history , many were true and not true. Like for example about religion. There are so many version of the story around the bible or Quran or whatever. Only the old generation knew the truth and we are just intended to believe or not.

There are those who know the truth about the world, but they are rare. If we want to know the truth then, like Christian says, "Seek and Ye shall find." But otherwise all clouded and covered.

I believe too that we are fooled. Let me have a look if I can find that picture...


bob moran

How can we expect the truth about anything, when no one really knows the truth about anything?

There was an article where they showed where the pictures of the moon were taken. One moon picture and next that place in the world. What to think of that? It's better not to break brains over it. I wait till Elon visits Mars with his family before I decide to jump in. He should try it out himself and he can take a crew along who can film him and his adventures on Mars.

Don't hold your breath...

Dreams are series of pictures, emotions, thoughts or ideas that goes through one's mind. This could either be when an individual is fully conscious (awake) or subconscious (sleeping).
Dreams are often used interchangeably with goals.

As funny as this may sound, research has shown that those who are blind even right from birth can see in their dreams. That's why I define "dreams" as "a tremendous picture of a preferable future".

Dreams often enables our subconscious mind communicate clearly with our conscious mind which tend to reveal some of our repressed thoughts and desires.

The dreams we have during the night are sometimes a reflection of our thoughts and emotions we had early that day. The brain then tries to process these information while sleeping. For some of these dreams, we have to an extent some level of control over them while for others, we absolutely have no control over.

In all these, all I keep dreaming of is a bright future and a happy family.

Hi, it seems it's just you and me LOL so let's talk about dreams, nightmares, daydreams and wishes since I believe this is what the word can mean or?

Ever had a nightmare or series of dreams repeating itself? Ever tried to explain a dream or thought there was a hidden message in it? I kept a dream diary for a longer period. It kept me busy writing during the night and indeed if you train yourself to wake up after each dream you do have more dreams than you can remember and it's close to 8. At times I had a dream I forgot as soon as I started the day but it remained through the day in the background and I knew that as soon as I went back to bed I would continue dreaming the same dream (same message or?).

We could invite @jiva34, @olivia08 and @greatketty if they have a dream to share.

I leave you with this song. Have you heard of it?

Dream on

Я бы хотела, чтобы мне снились красивые и добрые сны, но часто бывает так, что они мне не снятся, потому что я уделяю немного времени для отдыха.
Но однажды мне приснилось, что я была ехала в автобусе со стадом коров и была их сопровождающей. В какой-то момент автобус остановился, чтобы я вывела коров погулять. Помню, лето, прекрасная солнечная погода и на поле, огромном и зеленом, растут крупные ягоды земляники. Они в реальной жизни размером чуть больше грецкого ореха, а во сне были размером с манго:)
Так вот, после того, как коровы сделали свои дела на поле, то есть погуляли и сходили в туалет, мне надо было загнать их обратно в автобус. Я помню, как я с силой толкала корову в автобус, держась за ее окорочка:)
Я так и не поняла тогда, к чему был этот сон, но он был очень ярким и необычным, я запомнила его на долгие годы.

Спасибо, что отметили меня в комментариях. Позову, по традиции, @knopka145, @soroka74 и @mamamasha.

Wow. Very unusual dream. My dearest friend, I understand that one can be so preoccupied that we hardly have time for our own selves to rest. Please ensure to create time out of your tight schedules to rest dear.
I will be hoping to hear more of your dreams when you start getting enough rest, but not a convoy of cows this time please. Lol.

Ахах, как по мне, стадо коров символизирует достаток и благополучие, особенно на фоне красивой и солнечной погоды:) По крайней мере, после пробуждения мне было очень радостно:)

Спасибо за пожелания отдыха, я очень стремлюсь к этому!)

Похоже, вы отправились в путь и оказались в раю в качестве ковбойши (няни). Отличная погода, отсутствие недостатка в еде и все вокруг красочнее и лучше, чем обычно.

Клубнику в Голландии называют "королем лета" из-за короны, которую она носит, и за короткое лето у нас ее бывает всего несколько штук. Наверное, нужно быть королем, чтобы иметь возможность купить ее. Прошлым летом я покупала их дважды по 5-6 евро за 350 грамм 🤯

Значит, коров и вас "пустили" только потому, что им нужно есть и какать? Я понимаю, почему та корова отказалась возвращаться в изолятор, пока не будет запланирован следующий день прогулки. Можете ли вы вспомнить, что вы чувствовали, покидая это место счастья? Вряд ли мне когда-нибудь снились такие красочные пейзажи 🥺.

У меня есть для вас "песня счастливой коровы"!
В ней рассказывается о том, как счастлива корова, играя со своими друзьями, находясь на лугу, виляя хвостом и глядя своими красивыми карими глазами. А еще в песне говорится о том, что счастливой корове снятся глубокие сны!

Какая классная песня, спасибо! Клубники у нас иногда бывает достаточно много, моя свекровь порой замораживает ее или делает джемы, очень вкусные!

Нам повезло, что ягоды растут у родственников в огороде:)

Только не выпускайте коров в огород!
Хороших выходных



Thanks for the mention. Got distracted and forgot about the comment contest....

I noticed it wasn't pinned or unpinned 🤔
It's good to see you.

@frafiomatale @damithudaya do you dream or have thoughts about dreams.

A good weekend to all

Dreaming? If you mean dreams one has at night, until recently I often dreamt that I was still in high school and the dream always ended in the same way: just before waking up I would say to myself, ‘but what do I care about getting bad grades, I already have a high school diploma...’

Wow...... Seems I've got same pattern of dreams as you. Only difference is the fact that I don't put my dreams in writing.
Sometimes, I see those dreams happening in real life and I'll be puzzled. I think some call it déjà vu

Dream on, Dream on, till your dreams come true 💟

You could write them down or onky those you remember. Some quick notes (keywords + how it made you feel) works too. Can be great to read back in a few months or years.

 2 months ago 

Orang buta juga mempunyai sebuah mimpi, mungkin mimpinya itu beda atau sama dari kita. Mereka memimpikan sebuah mobi, sedangkan mobil secara nyata tidak pernah melihatnya, seperti kita memimpikan syaitan

Do you know blind people who described their dreams? What it looked like? Were they blind at birth?
Sounds as if thoughts do come with pictures to make itself more visible. But if so why is it that we forget most dreams?

You draw daily and are creative, photography and so on. It's a way to express. Do you dream a lot or are you a heavy dreamer?

Animals dream too. You can see it if the dog sleeps.
@rokhani do we have fewer dreams if we take more time to think over the day instead if always rushing?

Ha ha ha ha..... Yeah, sounds crazy cos how can you dream of something you've never seen? Truly, dreams are imaginary events in one's mind.
But damn, I pray not to see the devil in my dreams 😂

Best regards
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Team 01 - Steemit Explorers Team



Thanks @mikitaly for the support.
Sending love ❤️

 2 months ago 

those who are blind even right from birth can see in their dreams.

I believe this too, because I have a friend who is blind told me he had dreamed of having his sights back and he has a kid who's not blind, they played happily together. A few years after he told me that, he didn't get his sights back but he's having a beautiful son who's so cute and smart.

Interesting how emotions can be triggered by a dream. Fear... There is no big dog attacking us but we are panicking... The dog is going to bite me... Same thing happens in movies, books, dramatic performances. The mind can't seem to distinguish the real from the imaginary. For that we need intelligence.. That comes from God....

Mimpi merupakan bunga tidur.... mimpi juga bisa dikatakan hayalan disiang bolong, akan tetapi ada juga yang mimpi bisa jadi kenyataan.

Salah satunya saat kita mimpi sedang pipis di kamar mandi duduk dengan bersahaja dan kita pipis sampai habis tahu-tahunya kasur sudah basah semua karena kita ngompol hahaha.....ayo siapa yang pernah mimpi pipis dikamar mandi?

Terkadang kita bermimpi di kejar harimau dan saat terbangun nafas kita terengah-engah kecapean dan banyak sekali mimpi yang bisa dikaitkan dengan makna yang akan terjadi, misalnya kita mendaki gunung yang tinggi katanya cita-cita akan tercapai. Mimpi sedang makan itu akan mendapatkan rezeki dan sebagainya.

Invite: @bahrol, @rissi,@joan-na

#betterlife #comment #dreams

Saya yakin saya pernah membaca bahwa jika Anda bermimpi tentang kencing, itu berarti sesuatu, tetapi jika Anda mengompol, itu berarti Anda mengira Anda sedang bermimpi dan karena itu mengabaikan untuk bangun dan pergi ke kamar tidur.
Saya tidak pernah bermimpi dikejar atau dikurung. Saya yakin keduanya adalah mimpi yang paling sering disebutkan. Kedengarannya seperti peringatan bagi saya. Bangun dengan detak jantung yang cepat dan ketakutan itu mengerikan.

Yayaya....tanpa sadar kita telah mengompol di tempat tidur dengan puas ketika bangun dan mendapatkan kenyataan seperti ini membuat kita malu sampai ke ubun-ubun.

Semoga tidak ada yang mengetahui kalau kasur kita telah basah akibat mimpi semalam, tetangga saya pernah bercerita kepada saya bahwa suaminya mengompol saat itu padahal tidak ada hujan sama sekali yang membuat atap rumah mereka bocor tapi kenapa tempat tidur suaminya basah?

Kata suami coba lihat ke atas semalam kan hujan mana tahu atap rumah bocor, setelah dilihat tidak ada belasan air yang masuk, dan saat mencium bau ternyata bukan cuma pipisnya saja akan tetapi keluar juga babnya sedikit.

Saya mau tertawa tapi saya kasihan dengan tetangga saya yang sudah kecapean membersihkan kasurnya yang berat, saat itu saya pulang kerumah dan tertawa sendiri jika mengingat kejadian seperti itu, dikira saya tidak waras, ketawa sendiri padahal ceritanya telah mengocok perut saya untuk tertawa namun saya tahan di depannya karena menghargai dia biar tidak malu🤭

Terimakasih banyak sudah mengajak saya pada kontes berkomentar kali ini.

Kalau saya ingat-ingat, kayaknya saya sering mendengar anak-anak yang pipis saat mereka tidur itu berkata bahwa mereka bermimpi sedang pipis tanpa mereka sadari mereka sebenarnya juga sedang pipis di dunia nyata. Dan ketika mereka sudah bangun, mereka merasakan rasa bersalah kepada orang tuanya.

Ia Bu, orang dewasa juga terkadang mengalaminya namun kita cepat menyadari dan tidak sampai habis ngompol sudah terbangun 🤭

Iya Benar Bu.. 😁

 2 months ago 

In my place the dream of someone peeing, means there is going to be danger in the person life which he or she needs to pray over it. Thanks for inviting me

Begitu ya .... semoga tidak terjadi mimpi seperti ini dan kita dijauhkan dari segala yang tidak baik🤲

 2 months ago 

makanya sebelum tidur disuruh pipis dulu, sikat gigi dulu, cuci kaki, berdo'a baru tidur... biar nggak mimpi pipis dan akhirnya ngompol.. hahahaha

Hahahaha.... walaupun sudah pipis dan sikat gigi namanya mimpi ya tetap aja terjadi.. terimakasih sudah memberikan komentar dan saya sangat terhibur sekali

 2 months ago 

macam mana lah... dulu waktu kecil aku tuh paling sering ngompol karena malas bangkit dari tempat tidur, padahal kamar mandi ada dalam kamar.. akibatnya ya gitu, mimpi pipis dan ngompol sudah, tapi kadang-kadang cepat sadar, pas dalam mimpi sudah jongkok mau buka celana, langsung bangun dan lari ke kamar mandi.. hihihii, selamat dari cubitan mamak dan kewajiban jemur kasur

🤭 saya pun pernah mengalaminya bahkan baru keluar dikit langsung sadar, tapi pipis saat mimpi kayak enak banget ya, puas gitu pas nyadar kok tempat tidurnya hangat-hangat gitu dan segera tercium ciri khas bau parfum tanpa alkoholnya, 😇

 2 months ago 

Mimpi itu bunga-bunga tidur, apapun yang kita mimpikan itu hanya sebuah hiasan saja, mau mimpi indah ataupun mimpi buruk.

Orang sering mengatakan semiga mimpi ini akan menjadi kenyataan, memang apakah ada mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan?.

Saya rasa tidak, kita bermimpi di kejar syaitan, bagaimana kalau mimpi ini jadi kenyataan, bisa mati berdiri hehehehe.

Lain lagi kalau mimpi itu indah, bila jadi kenyataan asyik kan. Tapi bila mimpi indah itu aneh, bisa susah jadi kenyataan.

Semoga saja, tidur ini di penuhi oleh mimpi yang indah saja, walupun tidak menjadi sebuah kenyataan.

#betterlife #comment #contest #dreams #wewrite #steemexclusive

Dreams are a reflection of your real uimpressions and thoughts. So if it is scary it is you facing the truth and it did come through. So is true. How will you act to avoid having nightmares for the rest of your life? Sounds to me this is a clear message.

A dream can look perfect and make you wish it will come true but if it looks too good to be true shouldn't that be a warning as well?
It also makes me wonder how happiness can be felt is it's always perfect and diserable.

Good #foodforthought

 2 months ago 

Mimpi terlihat sempurna, tapi tidak bisa di raba dan dirasa seperti alm nyata. Hanya orang yang bermimpi saja yang tau. Tidak bisa dinikmati oleh orang lain.

Semua orang mau mimpi yang indah dan membawanya ke alam nyata, tetapi itu mustahil.

Mimpi itu juga penuh makna, peringatan, hanya orang-orang yang tau arti sebuah mimpi.

я з вами згоден. Є багато різних снів, і навіть якщо ми ними ділимося, один і той самий сон кожен сприйматиме по-різному. Бажаний сон також можна вважати повною нісенітницею або назвати дитячим. Мрія дає надію, тому вона не завжди має збуватися. А якщо мрій більше не буде?

 2 months ago 

hahaha.. cuma karena kita nggak pernah mengalaminya lalu kita mengatakan itu tidak mungkin? saya orang yang bermimpi dan berusaha keras membuatnya menjadi kenyataan

 2 months ago 

Mimpi adalah kejadian yang terjadi di alam bawah sadar kita, walaupun kadang mimpi itu seperti nyata,tapi saat kita terbangun dari tidur semuanya hilang.
Saat sedang mimpi buruk kita berharap itu tidak nyata tapi saat mimpi indah saya berharap itu bukan mimpi dan akan terjadi di kehidupan nyata.
Banyak orang berkata arti sebuah mimpi tapi,bahkan ada primbon penyedia arti mimpi,tapi saya tidak pernah percaya,takhayul bagi saya,karena kita tidak boleh mendahului tuhan.
Bagaimana tanggapan anda @fauziah95,@edywan dan @haryanto92.

#betterlife #coment #dreams

Dreams are thoughts. Impressions of the brain. That what we refuse to pay attention to, to see or ignire because we are too "busy".
If thoughts and what we experienced (saw, said, heard) are mixed you create those chaotic dreams (at times scary, weird) because the brain hops from one impression to the next.

Dreams are divided in 3 different types and one is the messy one, one is the personal message which makes you dream the same over and over again (like being locked in, chased or not able to move) and the 3rd is predicting something. If it comes to these dreams they are more likely to be noticed by sensitive people. Those entering a room and feel the couple just had a big fight although they are smiling, those who do not listen to words but the pain in the voice. Their unconscious knows and these knowledge are thoughts as well.
It is my belief that if god gives brains they should be used. I also don't believe god only contacts and speaks through "holy" men. Actualky I believe the more time you invest in thinking while awake the fewer (scary) dreams you have and the fewer people would be in mental need.

I assume you don't dream or don't remember the message? If a nightmare never curious why your brain shows you that?


 2 months ago 

Ya begitulah teman terkadang mimpi itu seperti nyata,menjadi kita ketakutan saat mimpi buruk

 2 months ago 

saya percaya tentang mimpi karena Nabi Yusuf AS punya keistimewaan tentang mentakwilkan mimpi. namun karena itu keistimewaan beliau sebagai nabi, maka yang berikut-berikutnya tidak terlalu penting lagi. Orang bilang mimpi gigi tanggal berarti akan ada kerabat yang meninggal. begitulah, beberapa kali saya mimpi gigi tanggal dan memang tidak lama kemudian ada kerabat yang meninggal. tidak percaya tapi terjadi, mau percaya ntar malah syirik. akhirnya sekedar tahu saja cukup. kadang-kadang memang ada yang diberikan kelebihan untuk mentakwilkan mimpi atau lebih kepada berdasarkan kumpulan pengalaman dan hampir sebagian besar berdasarkan mitos juga.

 2 months ago 

Mungkin karena sudah dipercaya makanya kejadian Bu,tp BS juga hanya kebetulan, terimakasih sudah berkomentar bu

 2 months ago (edited)

Dream of Climbing A Mountain

I'm not a dreamer or dream many times but when I dream about climbing a moountain, shrugged and struggling reaching up but before reaching on the top, I W
was falling down and drowned into the water . This was always the content of my dream. After dreaming like that, there's a bad happening to our family like a certain death of one of our family. It happened many times . Although, I saw the beauty beyond the mountain, what the negative feeling was it's too hard to reach up on the top. I became breathless until I woke up falling into the deep water.

I dreamt like this before the death of my father and the death of his brother last 1983. Same scenario of my dream climbing the mountain in a beautiful place but failed reaching my goal.

How about @dove11, @solperez @kenny-crane

#bettelife #comment #dream

 2 months ago 

some article written about this kinda dream @olivia08, I have read somewhere before and it said that we dreamed about something that we're afraid of but it has something related to our family. I dreamed of falling from the mountain peak many times in my life and I took that as a message that I can be on top of anything, but I'll never stay there forever. I consider that as my true conscience to remind me that I must be careful on whatever I do in the real life.

Agree with you my dear, there are friend who interpreted my dream. I didnt know if it was because of my dream as warning or it was just a coincidence

Assalamualaikum friends
Topic 🤔 given by @wakeupkittly.pal is Dreams.
I will explain my view in town different days. First is dreams we see while sleeping and 2nd is dreams of our future.
Every person on earth definitely have experience of dreams while sleeping . There are different types of dreams , some has nothing to do with our life's , just we saw dreams something horror things or else. Some dreams have connections to future , earn what will be happened in future GOD show us in dream. But dream was dream we have to calculate the meaning of dreams to accurate know what will be happened in future. I have some dreams in my life that will come true after few years same as I saw them in past.
2nd dreams of life , we can say goal of life. But I have seen many time breaking of my goals now I am in the phase of life where I don't have any goals / dreams of life. I just let myself to hand of destiny and waiting the end of my life.
Hope so you like my answer , if not then sorry to waste your time.

 2 months ago 

Mimpi adalah pengalaman bawah sadar yang terjadi saat kita tidur dan juga sebagai bunga tidur,tapi kadangkala mimpi itu sangat menyeramkan terkadang sebuah mimpi seperti nyata terjadi didepan kita padahal hanyalah mimpi dan saya berharap disaat mimpi pas buka mata terlihatlah hanya kebahagiaan di depan mata kita,dan saya juga turut mengundang @dekna1992, @sumarni123 dan @watii

#betterlife #comment #dream

 2 months ago 

Terimakasih undangannya Bu,semoga berhasil ya

 2 months ago 

Iyaa bu

So you thought: let's repeat myself? I assume you are without dreams, thoughts then 🤔


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