RE: Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Dreams
Oh Yeah!!! For sure... We only think we are awake.
But I did have a recurring dream when I was younger, before I set out to find the meaning and purpose of life.
The dream was like this:
I was an astronaut and being sent into space in a spaceship. When it was time to return to earth and I stepped out of the space ship and embraced my family. But there was no substance to their forms. It was like hugging the air. There was nothing there.
Panicked, I would get back in the space ship and go up into space again and then come back to earth again. But the same thing would happen over and over again in just one night. I would wake up in a cold sweat.
This went on for several weeks. I dreaded going to sleep. I thought maybe the dream was telling me there were parallel universes?
Anyway, I couldn't stand it anymore. I decided that before going to sleep I would somehow stay away even while sleeping and when the dream started I would get into the space ship, go up into outer space and jump out.
It worked. I never had that dream again. But being awake it was still a challenge trying to find substance in relationships.
Maybe you would like to enter this contest: @olivia08 @shahid76 @okere-blessing
It sounds like a film where you are always into the same loop. The circle/life you are in and no matter how hard (you believe) you try it won't break the spell.
The only way to break it was to change drastically and you did by taking a risky jump! It worked. You did jumped out of that loop.
I know I did do simular things by saying I would not dream that again. Day or night, awake or asleep we always dream a little or big dream. The brain never takes a break.
Beach House - Space Song
Lyrics included
@ibesso this song reminds me of you
@yaladeeds you are not forgotten
Thanks @wakeupkitty.pal, I listened to it with my eyes closed 🤗 @yaladeeds, my wish is a falling star.
I hope that star will not fall on her head!
It's good to see you stop by again. I hope you are happy and wish you a colourful weekend.
Wakeupkitty doing her thing... :>)

OMG this is so noooot me! LOL
Maybe a little bit...
Mimpi yang keren, walupun tidak pernah keluar angkasa, tetapi sudah ada di dalm mimpi, sudah merasakan luar angkasa, sngat mantap.
Saya bermimpi di kejar oleh gelombang laut, mungkin karena saya anak pesisir ya...
I would think that children growing up with water, in your case the ocean, would not be chased by the water. Did you steer your dream/way of thinking into a different direction like jiva34 did?
Kalau bermain sama ombak pasti di kejar sama ombak. Dulu saya juga pernah di kejar sama ombak besar.
Maybe you were in a sand crab body last life. Chased by waves....
Saya pernah di kejar sama ombak, ombak yang sangat dahsyat
Oh. Yes that is terrifying... I can see why sometimes dreaming of it.
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I imagine you like the one who went to the moon, its not @jiva34. Hahaha. I remember my high school days about the story of your dream because I could not imagine that there were people who able to go to the moon. I though it was just a dream. It's real and a real dream of yours.
I want to experience that dream to see the universe and space.
There is a lot of controversy about the space travel. Whether they actually went to the moon. There is talk that it was a political ploy against Russia at the time. I mean really, all they came back with was a few rocks?
Yes, no one know its true or what but its already in the head of the people around the world. Just like the history , many were true and not true. Like for example about religion. There are so many version of the story around the bible or Quran or whatever. Only the old generation knew the truth and we are just intended to believe or not.
There are those who know the truth about the world, but they are rare. If we want to know the truth then, like Christian says, "Seek and Ye shall find." But otherwise all clouded and covered.
I believe too that we are fooled. Let me have a look if I can find that picture...
bob moran
How can we expect the truth about anything, when no one really knows the truth about anything?
There was an article where they showed where the pictures of the moon were taken. One moon picture and next that place in the world. What to think of that? It's better not to break brains over it. I wait till Elon visits Mars with his family before I decide to jump in. He should try it out himself and he can take a crew along who can film him and his adventures on Mars.
Don't hold your breath...