
It's getting really close to completed.. Fuckin' hell it's been a long development process, but I'll be glad when it's completed, tested and launched.

You wanna be a mod?

Sounds like an absolute nightmare! I'm here to help brother any way I can if a mod is what you need I'm here for ya! I see the troll box and my lips salivated!

The trollbox should be a shitshow.. Just like most gambling sites..

Need a good set of eyes to help banhammer scammers, help noobs and hold the fort down when I'm not around. Should be a good time though.. With great power comes great responsibility and admin abuse. :D

I'm ready for glorious dick drawings, and trolling! But, no ofc banhammering scammers, and helping noobs and holding down the fort is my shtick! You can give me a trial run and see if I live up to expectations :P

Consider yourself the first Steem-Roller moderator then man. I'm sure you're a good fit for the job, maybe once the site gets rolling and profitable I might even be able to pay you a small bonus wage for your courageous volunteer work.

Probably the most exciting part of this entire project is the completely open to the community bankroll investment vehicle offered through Steem-Roller. Anyone will be able to deposit STEEM and invest it into the bankroll allowing them to profit whenever any gambler loses a bet. On top of investment in the bankroll being open to public savvy investors looking to maximize their profit (and risk) will be allowed to apply leverage on their investment up to 50 times their actual invested amount. This means that profits will be 50x greater on gambler loses but will also mean that any wins the gamblers pull off will effect your investment equity at a 50x rate as well. Leveraged STEEM investments should be awesome!

Holy cow! This is great btw :)

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