My study on John 15

Mark 15:1-11

The people were eagerly planning early in the morning to get Jesus into a bad situation but Jesus did not retaliate because he already knows Gods plan (jer. 29:11)

  • If we know God and his promises no matter the situation not matter what type or plan the enemy might have your heart does not shake cause your heart is set on God already
    Pilate though he had control of Jesus but Jesus never try defending himself because knew he could of easily proven him wrong with just a few words but he still submitted to Gods plan
  • sometimes if we want to be part of God’s plan we need to submit to Gods plan and allow his hand to mold us to get us ready for the plan

The teachers of the law were jealous and envious

  • Bitterness blinds the soul and makes us do dumb decisions like choosing Barabbas over Jesus
  • Bitterness will cause you to crucify Jesus!

Mark 15: 12 -23
👁🤟🏼V. 12 What shall I do with the one you call the king of the Jews ?

  • this is the most important decision of every single human being
  • When we sin is as if we shout CRUCIFY HIM!
  • We scream louder
  • and louder when we don’t want to repent
  • But for us is worst because we do know he is the messiah
    V. 16-20
  • this is the same Jesus that every knee shall bow down to but here he is being mocked
  • Jesus did not have any type reputation he had to protect that was we was willing to suffer for Gods will
  • ✌️Do I have any type of reputation that I want to “protect” maybe that’s why I retaliate when things get hard
    👁V. 21
  • Jesus needed help carrying his own cross
  • Do I get prideful and think that I don’t need help to carry my own cross!
  • 👌An independent Christian thinks he is better than Jesus
  • How much advice do I get how much help do I ask for
  • ✋Who’s my Simon in life?
    👁V. 23
    Jesus did not want t drink the wine
  • Jesus did not want to take the easy way out or the most convenient way
  • He was a man of sacrifice
  • Usually the easy way is the lazy way
  • ✌️I can’t have the mindset of always trying to find the easy way out of things but always with hard work to rely on God

Mark 15: 24 -32
V. 24 - they cast lots for Jesus clothes they treated Jesus like a game

  • do I treat Jesus sacrifice like a game?
  • They got physically clothe with Christ

Galatians 3:27

  • clothe in Christ
  • We get spiritually clothes with Christ
  • Do I have the same attitude as the soldiers do I play games with the clothing Christ provided

👁When he comes back!!!
Revelation 19:12-13

  • Jesus takes back the bloody garment
  • His eyes are not blind folded but blazing in fire
  • He has his real crown not crown of thorns
  • there’s no need to put name on top of the Cross he has his own name that no one knows

Mark 15: 27

  • Jesus was counted among the criminals
  • 👁 when you preach the truth to the world it will affect them the same way a criminal would
  • Jesus had to be treated like a criminal deserving death so that we won’t
    V. 29 -32
  • Those who passed by hurled insults at him shaking their heads asking Jesus to come down from the cross
  • For them the cross was not enough they were asking for a “bigger” miracle
  • We can think that we are not like those people insulting but we are
  • 👁When we don’t want to repent we are in front of the cross telling Jesus your sacrifice is not sufficient for me I want more
  • How much self denial Jesus had to have to not destroy the earth!!!

Mark 15:33-37

  • darkness came over the whole land
  • Darkness represents the judgement of God or the day of the lord

Amos 8:9 -10

  • God was mourning for his son that’s why he made the sun go down during the day
    Mark 15:33
  • God was mourning because Jesus felt lonely while he screamed “eloi eloi Lema sabachthani”
  • The pure wrath of God was injected into Christ and it was making both the son and the father cry
    V. 34-37
  • they thought that Jesus was helpless
  • They kind of felt sorry for him
  • But he was in control all along he didn’t need Elijah to save Elijah Needed him !
  • Jesus voluntarily gave up his spirit no one took it way from him
  • John 19 :30 when he had received the drink Jesus said said “it is finished”
  • He finally paid and satisfied his fathers punishment with his love

Mark 15: 37
V. 37 -38

  • Jesus breathed his last
  • Curtain was torn to pieces from top to bottom

2 cor. 5:21
God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him

  • God had to treat Jesus like a sinner so that we can be the righteousness of God

Isaiah 53:10

  • it pleased the lord to crush him it was still his perfect and loving plan for us
  • It please to the lord to tore his body from top to bottoms because what will come out from the sacrifice will help son many
    V. 39
  • when the centurion saw Jesus crucified he believed
  • The centurion has seen many crucifixion but this one striked him the hardest
  • He saw the strength Jesus had all the way to his last breath v.34 says “Jesus cried out in a loud voice”!! He could not be stopped usually by this point the prisoners have to strength to do anything
  • What’s going to make people believe is the sacrifice of Jesus not me

2 Corinthians 4:10
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.

  • When people see my life do they see the death of Jesus or do they just see sin
  • Is my life dead that the only reason people know I’m alive is because Jesus’s is revealed in my body

V. 40-41

  • wow right here it shows the most faithful disciples of Jesus
  • The apostles except John were no where to be found but these women were caring for Jesus need all the way to the end
  • Their unshakable faith should be commended they did not fear death or persecution or ridicule they just had one mission to care for Jesus
  • During the times that are the hardest the strongest come out
  • The women,Jospeh and Nicodemus (John 19:39) were the ones that nobody really knew much about but but had the strongest faith to push all the way to the end
  • the apostles wanted to be sit at the right hand of God wanted to drink from his cup but the people that had the strongest faith were those that when everything seemed dark stepped forward

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