Steem Cartoon : A Cartoonist's Life

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago (edited)


This is me looking very weary in my singlet after a tiring day a few cups of coffee in my office cum studio in Multimedia University. I seem to be the only lecturer that likes to return at night and work till the morning. It is an old habit that is difficult to die amongst cartoonist. We are unable to concentrate in the daytime because you get many calls and messages and that disturbs you chain of thought.


Manual Sketching

Almost a dead art in Malaysia. Every artist in order to save time will immediately resort to the Wacom and do a digital image, but for the traditionalist like myself and a few others especially @cartoonistpandan must put pen to paper. There is no better feeling than a direct contact.


I learnt inking a traditional way. After a sketch is done, we will proceed to do the inking. It is an art, in fact a fast dying one. There are so many new techniques now that artists used by deploying the Photoshop. But, like I always believe there is more than one way of telling the same story, hence creativity is not bound by what we know, holding a pen and reducing it to a piece of paper. If time change, so must we.


The box of watercolour will tell you whether you are old school or you belong to the new generation. This entire work that I spread on my work table are work created entire by hand, paper, ink and water colour. Nothing more. There is no technology or software involved.


Once the entire process is completed, we sent the artwork for printing and this is a proud cartoonist with the normal printed media. Something that perhaps our new generation may not be familiar with. This prints are the prints that paid for my electricity bill, my petrol bills, my food and sent my children to school. I could not be more grateful to the people that gave me the opportunities.


Digital Age

This is the world that is familiar to many. This is also the world that the current animators, illustrators and cartoonists are used to. It is the digital age. Well, I can't say all is bad, in fact by using technology we can save time and effort. The only thing is the entire idealisation comes from the slow process drawing the traditional way.




Living by the Deadline

I really think besides earning money from Steemit, there is no job in the world that will say, do as you please. I live by a strict deadline and you can see how my calendar works out on a monthly basis. Life is always a mission of meeting deadlines. The stress of having to meet deadline makes the entire creative process stagnate. At least for me.

Why I Choose Steemit

Most of my steemit posts are creation that I did on the spot after my brain is fully stuffed with work related stuff. I need to break from the cycle and that is when I start caricaturing my friends and try entering contests. It gives me a break and a breath of fresh air.



credit to @zomagic


@nkkb That's cool traditionally combined with high tech.

Thanks @nkkb ... although I'm practising digital now... old school style still has a strong emotional attachment to me...

The positive side is that you are doing something which you are passionate about. I also work better after 5pm when there are less distraction.

yup... that is our therapy moment... spend our own private time doing what we love...

When I was still studying, I love doing my things at night too. Then after become mommy, terpaksa sleep early with my girls... LOL... Tertidur when accompany them to bed... But now since I promise myself must post once a day everyday, so if I haven't post that day, after my girls fall asleep, I will turn on my laptop to write my post. Sometimes I write with my phone if too lazy to on laptop...
Love all your cartoon! tip!

hahaha... thanks for the tip eliza...
Yup... i'm juggling too... luckily now I can draw fast... but the ideation process still took me quite a bit of time... tqvm for visiting... :)

Wow, those cartoon drawings and sketches are amazing...Really talented to produce such impressive work =)
I found your post so interesting, good information should be shared so your post has been Upvoted and Resteemed. Hope more people get to read your blog.

Wow!... thak you... appreciate the appreciation and wish you all the best!

only a pleasure, good content deserves to be recognised....hope more Steemians read your blog post

I have a feeling you're always in your office. Light's always on. Unless it's "someone else" in there. Lol.

Hahahaa... just warn you if you are staying late at night... "someone else' sometimes like knocking the door and 'hide'... its norm... happened to me a couple of times... hahaha...

Wow... mr @sireh, you done so many drawings already. I guess, all kind of media. may be?

Learn to be flexible... If we hold many keys... we can open many doors... :)
If one door is locked... we still have many others... hahaha...

Best lahhh...thumbs up!!


This is a very quality posting that we've been waiting to read and upvote. Bravo bro @sireh ... you did so well and motivated others too. Good sketches and photos that never been disclosed to public. Honestly, your students will realise, how hard life is, as a lecturer, as well as a cartoonist, all in one instance.

Thanks @abgmie ... yup! textbook knowledges and years of experiences are best combined in order to face the reality... i love to learn by doing...

abang sireh seorang yang bersemangat...semoga diberi kesihatan kerana suka menolong sahabat

Reality bites my fren..but we have to get through with it..feel you bro.. :)

The world is evolving... be prepared... kiamat dah dekat... hahaha...

Actually its kind of fun. @cartoonistpandan dah guna wacom tablet belum? best rupanya ha ha

hahah..masih oldskool in drawing but for coloring terpaksa pakai digital.tunggu masa sesuai je nak blast wacom bro..eekekeke

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