Another one for WO-OWL and #steem-cartoon community!
Because WE ARE WO-OWL-SOME!!! Lol, okay. You guys are. I'm not.
I made another drawing of this little birdie here and decided to try making it into an animated GIF. I was really ambitious but it didn't take long to realized i wasn't being realistic at all about it. Animating a bird in flight IS NOT EASY. Let alone a bird with a giant head and a pair of tiny wings. So i continued with what option I got left.
Here is how I made the drawing:
And finally...
for the animated GIF.
I made the eyes BLINK!
Thank you for dropping by!
hah - I spent at least 40 seconds looking at that top image until realizing it's wasn't the gif.
Sorry for misleading you with that.
Haha comel!
Wow. This one's a real cute one. During acrid times with my girl, this one's really gonna help me man. Thanks. Cheers!
Glad it could be that useful to you, never thought it would be perceived like that. Thank you and cheers to you too, man! :)
Those eyes so comel!
@amalinaahmd, @SumoKumaChan Actually want that Buff Squanchy too