
Nice one @anomt. Nice style and good likeness...What Wacom setup do you have?

Thanks @juniorshelver. Just a default setting on an old small bamboo

Bamboo's are quite powerful little tablets. I also started with one an Intuous worked my way up to a Cintiq 22HD. They are soooo expensive though!

Yep, I just saw it on your studio-tour post. 22' ...That's a dream tool :)

Thanks@anomt!! It took blood sweat and tears to get that guy!! Your time will come! just keep at what you are doing!!

Wow.. thanks @aneukpineung78, you still my favorite, hahahahaa
Thanks @anomt, amazing...

It's my pleasure, @rayfa :)

I always love his works. Not many caricature artist I have seen on Steemit, in fact, only one so far.

Mau juga kaya gtu 😁

Send @anomt your picture(s). But firstly, I suggest you to negotiate with the guy, or just send him some SBDs. 😀

Now I have an agent ...LOL

Hi I'm a caricature artist myself, but @anomt is the best.

Haha... that's too much, @sansoncarrasco. I have just drawn a few of those, just a beginner :D

Hi @sansoncarrassco, really nice knowing that.

I cant follow you now due to the internet weak signal.

A truly beautiful work, well done! :-D

always the best bro @anomt

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Weww sinten niku bro.. hijab jambon merak ati 😱

Nice work. You sure do express the essence of the person with your pen!

Very nice, bro. Thanks for the work. Would you kindly send the original work (the one that has not been resized) to my email, please, [email protected] (yes, 79, not 78). Thanks, bro. Keep up good work.

Anakku @raihanafn juga punya bakat gambar, tp dia suka gambar anime, beberapa hasil kerjanya ada di blog steemitnya. Mohon saran perangkat apa yang cocok untuk mendukung bakatnya, terima kasih @anomt

Kalau di awal-awal, biarkan mengekplorasi wawasan dan media dulu. Liat artwork di gallery-gallery online, demo-demo drawing-painting di internet, misalnya. Ini melatih selera mata. Tangan ngikut. Pensil warna, drawing pen, cat air biasanya awal bagus dan murah buat dicoba. Mau coba semuanya? Biarkan saja, biar menemukan dulu pakai apa dia nyaman. Digital? hmm... itu bisa menyusul.

Pensil warna, drawing pen, cat air udah akrab dia.. mulai minta yang digital :)

Wah... salut! Coba tengok-tengok mengenai pen tablet, atau pen tab atau digitizer tablet. Merk paling popular di Indo memang wacom, tapi sebenarnya, saya lebih suka liat spesifikasi. Baik huion, xp-pen, kalau spesifikasi pressure level 1k lebih, nampaknya baik-baik saja buat menggambar. di Wacom bisa mulai dari 'Wacom Intuos Draw', di Huion mungkin mulai di 'Huion 610', biar lebih ringkas nyarinya :)

Wah... salut! Coba tengok-tengok mengenai pen tablet, atau pen tab atau digitizer tablet. Merk paling popular di Indo memang wacom, tapi sebenarnya, saya lebih suka liat spesifikasi. Baik huion, xp-pen, kalau spesifikasi pressure level 1k lebih, nampaknya baik-baik saja buat menggambar. di Wacom bisa mulai dari 'Wacom Intuos Draw', di Huion mungkin mulai di 'Huion 610', biar lebih ringkas nyarinya :)

Makasih infonya @anomt, langsung searching tadi, ternyata dia emang pernah minta dibeliin wacom itu :)

Dia sudah tahu apa yang dia inginkan. Anak sekarang wawasannya lebih luas soal beginian kok bu, jangan khawatir :)

Tentukan saja berapa SBD per pict. Kan lumayan juga tuh @anomt

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