Steps to Install a Debian 6 Text Based Linux
In the Boot Menu installer just select Install.
Choose the language you want.
Choose the location where you live. If not in the list, you can choose other.
Choose a continent where you live.
Well then my friend can choose the country where you live.
Configure the local standard basis, select the commonly used United States.
Choose keyboard layout that is American English that has been commonly used by many people.
If you are prompted to select the primary network interface, please select the eth0.
Steps to Install a Debian 6 Text Based Linux
Next there will be configure the network process, if there is a failure ignore it and click continue.
Next select the network configuration method. Because of this Debian Linux SO we will use for a network, then we need to network configuration. Then select configure network manualy. You must know the IP Address assignment rules for this configuration. If you do not need this configuration, then you can bypass it by selecting do not configure the network at this time.
Please input IP Address in accordance with the wishes of my friend. For example with class C IP Address like
Usually netmask will be filled automatically. If it is not auto-filled, please fill it in manually. For example netmask for class C
Gateway is also usually filled automatically. If not filled automatically, buddy input Network ID like IP Address but the last segment or Host ID change with number 1. Example on the gateway with reference to the IP Address I have created
Likewise Name Server Address will be filled automatically. If not just the same content with the Gateway, or the same as the IP Address used by the server.
Fill hostnames with whatever name you like. In windows hostname is computer name. Got it? I will example hostname: debian.
Domain can be content with hostname by ending with a domain (.com, .net, .sch, .org etc). Example:
Fill in root password. Root password is the password for super user on SO which currently buddy instal. Superuser is like an Administrator on SO Windows.
Reenter the root password that you have created for verification.
Enter the full name for the new user.
Enter username as you wish. To make it easier, just input your first name.
Enter the password for the new user you have created.
Reenter the new password you created for verification.
Configure your time zone, choose the nearest city to your residence. Or choose a city that matches the time zone in your residence.
In the partitioning method, select the Guided-use entire disk to make the entire hard drive a partition. If you want to set up more or make more than one pastake, you can choose manual.
If requesting disk selection, select the disk you want to process in the partition.
In the partitioning scheme, select all files in one partition to store all file systems on one partition. This option is recommended for new users.
If my friend has finished in organizing the partition, then choose the finish partitioning and write change to disk.
In the write the change to disk question, choose yes to save the partition settings you have done.
In the question of scanning another CD or DVD, please select yes if you have another repository package on Debian. If you do not have one, just pick No.
In the use the netwotk mirror question, just select No if you will not use another network on your installed SO.
In the participate in the package survey question, just select No if you will not participate in the packet usage survey.
Well here's a different section with the installation of Debian 6 GUI. If on Debian 6 GUI in the installed software, choose Grapichal Desktop Environment. On Debian Text is not.
If my friend will not make this PC being installed as a server, then you simply choose Standard System Utilities only.
In the next process will not be as long as on the installation of Debian 6 GUI. Wait for it to finish.
In the question install the GRUB Boot Loader to the master boot record, choose yes.
Well not long after this installation process was completed. Click continue and Debian will restart automatically.
Will immediately start the Boot process, then log in with user and user password that you have created.
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