wow monster raffle prize of epicness
So I was lucky enough to get some tickets to the last SSG #monsterraffle and by luck I got the second pick in it. I will just say that I was dumbfounded as I looked over my list for what I wanted to win and chose the prize donated by @thedamus and wow is an understatement. Let us begin our story!
First I am welcomed by this:
I just love this part of the world.
then came the awesome
and now the part we all been waiting for.
this right here has made me want to get the rest
but the awesome didn't stop there
oh snap is that the Pirth mint Dragon dollar son? Why yes it is
I also was in a contest I didn't know about that got me this
this (what might be the best half dollar ever made) also came with everything
You cleaned up corndog! So great. Congrats on your big win
thank you it made my day and cured my stackitis
@thedamus knows how to throw down.... Bam👊🏻 Congrats on the win.
thank you it was most unexpected
Congrats @corndogg42! That was an epic prize from @thedamus. There may just be to much for this one post. Haha!