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RE: Lady Etta, Time Traveller Extraordinaire
Adult colouring book? I didn't know there are such things :O.
But your cake is so artistic, professional looking even, so I think you have mad art skillz! You just channel it through a different way than your siblings. Anyway, my cooking skill is abysmal so maybe there's a trade off between drawing and cooking lol.
hahahaha that's probably because you don't need pre drawn images because you can already draw them and colour them yourself lol. There are heaps of adult colouring books, they just call it adults so adults don't feel silly buying them. I must admit though, I've purchase a lot hahaha I couldn't help myself, the pictures were too good.
hahaha @
That's a nice way of putting it.
Though you may be onto something there about a trade off between drawing and cooking. My brother's kids do like my cooking better than his kekekeke
I loved to colour those books when I was a kid, but I stopped after becoming adult since I didn't know they make adult colouring books. We adults are so silly about our images lol.
Now I'm curious to see your art, you better post them on Steemit if you decide to colour them :D.
hahahaha I don't think my colouring book art is worthy to be put up on Steemit, lol. I've completed a few images. Some are ok, others are only worthy of a laugh lol.
Hehehe you are shy, that's cute. It's ok, if you ever feel like sharing, you can show me privately on Discord. No pressure :).