i am trapped or so they think... thank you
After last night in which a bunch of cops and SUVs harrassed me I had to deal with them again tonight but tonight was zero cops and the SUVs acted and behaved very different. And the swarm much larger and far more aggressive driving strategy. many times one or more would honk to signal on in the distance and it would snap into action or rerouted awkwardly.
I took as many pictures as i can but the phone is new and I almost every face was male but not all but some did have large nose one actually . Most were over 30 and many were jewish in appearence and as I would pretend to go one way then as even for a while would go back the way I came and would have people on foot walking quite fast. I seemed to have been lead to st b hospital but it isn't the same everything is more quarantined and less comforting some staff seemed to look at me as if they are expecting me. One had a computer stood behind a double door he was wearing a paramedic outfit might named TONY THANK YOU AND YOU SAID THERE IS NO CAMERAS IN A VERY ODD WAY and once he KNEW I KNEW. Another man who was bald with white and black goatee kept on giving me a opposing look sinister almost. the hospital almost looks like a euthanization facilty. The door to get out locks and I don't think I may be able to get out many seem to know me as their eyes tell me so by the looks and then the try not to looks after they KNOW I KNOW. I MAY BE IN SERIOUS DANGER. There are security guards near the exit but also 2 more civialian people have been near it almost . The guy near the door who left was more street and had a dark sounding voice he knew me somehow he knew much about me. And the other exit door man that guy seemed avoid looking at me and seemed bothered by the warning i got. thanks. the white goatee guy put on a touque won't hardly looking at me except in the corner of his eye but if we lock eyes his he now has fear in those after your warning. The old man orange shirt security is a shill he seems to know much and tried all he could to shut the warning down. It is 1:17 he looked for more then a second he is certain I know. 1:32 he is never grabbing his chest now. there are people who been here 9 and 7 hours and yet i bet il get a room before them...
the shills seem shook now things are not good..... FOR THEM
This place has changed it seems very uncomfortable, less effective and like A PLAN IS HAPPENING FOR BOG