I randomly scroll my phone gallery,and....
found this random pic.. this pic was from last December's holiday.we talked about cigarettes. idk I always hate the idea of smoking cigarette cus it smells and I didn't really came from a "smoking family" so its always very foreign for me,the idea of smoking. But not until my cousin actually brought up the topic about how hes actually been smoking "Herbal Cigarettes" for the past few months. I repeat, "HERBAL CIGARETTES". I am always a sucker for essential oils and we all know how it smell very herbal and fragrant right... And yes , HC and EO smells smell exactly the same.imagine inhaling essential oil right from your mouth through your lungs. for a second thought I actually imagine myself smoking herbal cigarettes in the future but imagine how messed up it will be haha. as "healthy" as it sounds+ the convincing advertising.. "Herbal Cigarettes" " Tobacco free,Nicotine free,Additive free" it still is as dangerous as normal cigarettes. its still contains dangerous chemicals though which im not quite sure the names are.. too bad. id be smoking it for real if it as healthy as how the advertise it.might write more about this..stay tuned