Observer status
- Observer status - the efficient person is, above all, a good environmental observer
Those who observe can make connections. Everything starts from the power to understand this law of causality, but in a simple, popular way.
Cicero said in "The Six Sins of Man", among other things, that sin that we have been repeating for centuries is:
"The tendency to worry about things that we can not change or correct."
What are those things?
the family in which we were born, therefore the "start" position that we had in life (no matter how we cry, we can not change that)
politics - and the fact that we have corrupt politicians; unless we are in the system and we can have a direct influence, the only thing we can do is vote and see for life
the economic system taken globally (the eternal "crisis" we blame) - we can influence it too little, so we can only wonder how we can adapt
various laws that seem to us strambs
injustice and social inequality