North Carolina Memorial at Gettysburg
Today is #statuefriday for the #sevendaysoutside challenge by @erikah
The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest and most deadly battle of the American Civil War. The battle lasted three days and involved over 160,000 men.
More than a quarter were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner.
Today, Gettysburg National military Park has 1200 monuments.
The monument was sculpted by American sculptor Gutzon Borglum, who later went on to carve the mountain in South Dakota known as Mount Rushmore.
The Text on the Monument reads:
"To the eternal glory of the North Carolina soldiers. Who on this battlefield displayed heroism unsurpassed sacrificing all in support of their cause. Their valorous deeds will be enshrined in the hearts of men long after these transient memorials have crumbled into dust."
"Thirty two North Carolina regiments were in action at Gettysburg July 1,2,3, 1863. One Confederate soldier in every four who fell here was a North Carolinian."
"This tablet erected by the North Carolina Division United Daughters of the Confederacy."
To participate in this challenge;
These are the days and the categories:
#WindowMonday – Windows
#DoorTuesday – Doors
#RustArtWednesday – Rust
#GateThursday – Gates
#StatueFriday – Statues
#BrickSaturday – Bricks (bricks only, no pavement elements or cobblestones please)
#StreetlampSunday – Street Lamps
Make sure you write a description of the photo you are posting. Share as much details as you can, like where that statue is placed (in a park, at a museum), what it represents etc. Make it enjoyable.
Use the #sevendaysoutside tag along with the daily tag and tag me, @erikah!
Goes without saying that you can only use your own photos. No paintings, no drawings, no digital art please! There is no prize here, this is just for fun.
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The Parthenon stands as the centerpiece of Centennial Park, in Nashville. The re-creation of the 42-foot statue Athena is the focus of the Parthenon just as it was in ancient Greece. The building and the Athena statue are both full-scale replicas of the Athenian originals.
Stories of war and conflict are illustrated across Athena’s shield and pedestal.
A golden snak symbolizing the Athenian people—stands protected between the goddess and her shield.
#sevendayoutside #statuefriday @erikah
That is certainly golden! 42 feet! She must be amazing to see in person! Great photos!
The color tone suits this photo a lot. Loved it!
Thank you! 😘
Good photo @melinda010100 for #sevendaysoutsidechallenge. And a very good story, I like this post.
Thank you, my friend!
Nice photo. I agree with @erikah sepia really captures the mood. So I keep looking at this and thinking this is truly a band of brothers. literally. 3 of those guys could be brothers
Thanks! So many families lost all of their boys.
Postingan anda selalu sangat bagus bagi saya @melinda010100, anda selalu membantu orang, anda sangat baik, saya selalu ingin mengunjungi blog anda dan membagikan postingan anda @melinda010100...
Saya akan membagi blog anda dan saya akan tetap ikuti selalu anda posting semoga sukses berkarya di aplikasi ini @melinda010100
Postingan yang Sangat Keren dan terlihat sangat menarik,, saya sangat kagum dengan postingan anda... Salam @melinda010100
Great shot of the statue. Very touching information. The sheer number of those who died in the Civil War is mind boggling. I have not been to Gettysburg, but have been to Kennesaw Mountain in Georgia a few times.
Thank you, All of the battlefield sites are heartbreaking. I've been to Savannah, but otherwise have not spent much time in Georgia. It seems like such a beautiful state.
Postingan yang sangat bagus sekali sahabat aku ,saya sangat suka sekali dengan postingan mu ini terimakasih telah berbagi
I am happy you like it!