Daily payouts leaderboards, October 5
This report covers payouts made between:
October 5, 2016, 12:00 am UTC and October 5, 2016, 11:59 pm UTC
Total SBD paid: 6 124.476 SBD
Total STEEM paid: 6 809.362 STEEM
Total VESTS paid: 79.699 MVESTS
SBD/STEEM/VESTS payouts chart:
Top 50 overall SBD earners:
Rank | Account | Posts | SBD | STEEM | MVESTS |
1 | @aizensou | 1 | 484.033 | 550.202 | 4.670 |
2 | @bitspace | 1 | 289.909 | 323.003 | 2.771 |
3 | @macksby | 2 | 189.353 | 206.282 | 1.795 |
4 | @steemsports | 1 | 184.073 | 209.237 | 1.780 |
5 | @thecryptodrive | 2 | 181.109 | 197.393 | 1.722 |
6 | @kevinwong | 1 | 144.580 | 157.505 | 1.437 |
7 | @curie | 1 | 143.449 | 163.057 | 1.385 |
8 | @honeyscribe | 2 | 135.570 | 151.449 | 1.298 |
9 | @calaber24p | 1 | 132.466 | 144.308 | 1.269 |
10 | @eneismijmich | 1 | 132.071 | 147.148 | 1.271 |
11 | @cass | 1 | 121.880 | 133.414 | 1.176 |
12 | @timsaid | 1 | 120.141 | 130.882 | 1.146 |
13 | @steemcleaners | 1 | 118.931 | 129.564 | 1.126 |
14 | @anwenbaumeister | 2 | 113.746 | 123.916 | 1.108 |
15 | @perspective | 1 | 110.157 | 125.215 | 1.062 |
16 | @barrycooper | 1 | 95.561 | 108.624 | 0.926 |
17 | @serejandmyself | 1 | 92.596 | 105.000 | 0.896 |
18 | @veryrico | 1 | 85.176 | 92.791 | 0.807 |
19 | @lifeisawesome | 1 | 83.697 | 95.138 | 0.816 |
20 | @ozchartart | 1 | 83.324 | 90.773 | 0.798 |
21 | @dragonanarchist | 2 | 75.757 | 84.019 | 0.723 |
22 | @officialfuzzy | 3 | 67.891 | 75.164 | 0.652 |
23 | @cryptogee | 2 | 59.301 | 67.409 | 0.594 |
24 | @richman | 1 | 58.759 | 66.793 | 0.569 |
25 | @b0y2k | 1 | 57.125 | 62.382 | 0.543 |
26 | @williambanks | 2 | 48.569 | 53.044 | 0.461 |
27 | @markrmorrisjr | 4 | 41.379 | 45.569 | 0.394 |
28 | @krnel | 1 | 41.322 | 46.040 | 0.396 |
29 | @swedoise | 1 | 40.793 | 44.441 | 0.386 |
30 | @michelle.gent | 4 | 39.061 | 43.051 | 0.374 |
31 | @katecloud | 1 | 37.888 | 43.067 | 0.365 |
32 | @smailer | 1 | 37.772 | 41.352 | 0.366 |
33 | @bravenewcoin | 1 | 35.167 | 38.496 | 0.351 |
34 | @hartleigh | 1 | 34.668 | 38.441 | 0.330 |
35 | @coinbitgold | 1 | 34.484 | 39.200 | 0.335 |
36 | @decimus | 1 | 34.460 | 38.211 | 0.329 |
37 | @penguinpablo | 2 | 33.448 | 37.837 | 0.323 |
38 | @whatsup | 3 | 33.065 | 36.033 | 0.313 |
39 | @denn | 2 | 30.273 | 33.397 | 0.289 |
40 | @scottiemac | 1 | 28.994 | 31.587 | 0.275 |
41 | @alexbeyman | 7 | 28.878 | 32.544 | 0.277 |
42 | @supergoodliving | 2 | 26.913 | 30.591 | 0.260 |
43 | @mariandavp | 2 | 26.433 | 29.600 | 0.255 |
44 | @pgarcgo | 2 | 25.985 | 28.309 | 0.249 |
45 | @cristi | 1 | 24.790 | 27.007 | 0.235 |
46 | @birds90 | 3 | 24.767 | 27.620 | 0.238 |
47 | @marius19 | 1 | 24.652 | 26.856 | 0.234 |
48 | @ivet | 1 | 23.663 | 25.903 | 0.225 |
49 | @dwinblood | 3 | 22.597 | 24.836 | 0.216 |
50 | @oaldamster | 1 | 20.251 | 22.564 | 0.197 |
Top 50 overall VESTS earners:
Rank | Account | Posts | MVESTS | SBD | STEEM |
1 | @aizensou | 1 | 4.670 | 484.033 | 550.202 |
2 | @blocktrades | 0 | 3.241 | 0.015 | 0.018 |
3 | @bitspace | 1 | 2.771 | 289.909 | 323.003 |
4 | @macksby | 2 | 1.795 | 189.353 | 206.282 |
5 | @steemsports | 1 | 1.780 | 184.073 | 209.237 |
6 | @thecryptodrive | 2 | 1.722 | 181.109 | 197.393 |
7 | @ned | 1 | 1.602 | 1.134 | 1.293 |
8 | @val-a | 0 | 1.475 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
9 | @kevinwong | 1 | 1.437 | 144.580 | 157.505 |
10 | @curie | 1 | 1.385 | 143.449 | 163.057 |
11 | @honeyscribe | 2 | 1.298 | 135.570 | 151.449 |
12 | @val-b | 0 | 1.272 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
13 | @eneismijmich | 1 | 1.271 | 132.071 | 147.148 |
14 | @calaber24p | 1 | 1.269 | 132.466 | 144.308 |
15 | @berniesanders | 0 | 1.194 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
16 | @cass | 1 | 1.176 | 121.880 | 133.414 |
17 | @timsaid | 1 | 1.146 | 120.141 | 130.882 |
18 | @steemcleaners | 1 | 1.126 | 118.931 | 129.564 |
19 | @anwenbaumeister | 2 | 1.108 | 113.746 | 123.916 |
20 | @perspective | 1 | 1.062 | 110.157 | 125.215 |
21 | @barrycooper | 1 | 0.926 | 95.561 | 108.624 |
22 | @serejandmyself | 1 | 0.896 | 92.596 | 105.000 |
23 | @lifeisawesome | 1 | 0.816 | 83.697 | 95.138 |
24 | @veryrico | 1 | 0.807 | 85.176 | 92.791 |
25 | @ozchartart | 1 | 0.798 | 83.324 | 90.773 |
26 | @dragonanarchist | 2 | 0.723 | 75.757 | 84.019 |
27 | @smooth | 0 | 0.684 | 0.137 | 0.157 |
28 | @officialfuzzy | 3 | 0.652 | 67.891 | 75.164 |
29 | @cryptogee | 2 | 0.594 | 59.301 | 67.409 |
30 | @richman | 1 | 0.569 | 58.759 | 66.793 |
31 | @b0y2k | 1 | 0.543 | 57.125 | 62.382 |
32 | @williambanks | 2 | 0.461 | 48.569 | 53.044 |
33 | @xeldal | 0 | 0.432 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
34 | @joseph | 0 | 0.417 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
35 | @krnel | 1 | 0.396 | 41.322 | 46.040 |
36 | @markrmorrisjr | 4 | 0.394 | 41.379 | 45.569 |
37 | @swedoise | 1 | 0.386 | 40.793 | 44.441 |
38 | @michelle.gent | 4 | 0.374 | 39.061 | 43.051 |
39 | @laonie | 2 | 0.370 | 8.325 | 9.081 |
40 | @smailer | 1 | 0.366 | 37.772 | 41.352 |
41 | @katecloud | 1 | 0.365 | 37.888 | 43.067 |
42 | @seisges | 2 | 0.364 | 7.973 | 8.687 |
43 | @bravenewcoin | 1 | 0.351 | 35.167 | 38.496 |
44 | @coinbitgold | 1 | 0.335 | 34.484 | 39.200 |
45 | @hartleigh | 1 | 0.330 | 34.668 | 38.441 |
46 | @decimus | 1 | 0.329 | 34.460 | 38.211 |
47 | @shaka | 1 | 0.325 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
48 | @penguinpablo | 2 | 0.323 | 33.448 | 37.837 |
49 | @whatsup | 3 | 0.313 | 33.065 | 36.033 |
50 | @denn | 2 | 0.289 | 30.273 | 33.397 |
Top 50 paying posts (author reward):
Previous report: October-4
Thanks for the consistency of your posts.
And of course you may have the best account name on Steemit ;-)>
Thank you :)
congrats to everyone on the list
Thank you @masteryoda! I hope to find myself on your lists in the (near) future. I am extremely grateful for your contributions to our community, and especially for your continued support of my posts. I'm not one of the high earners, so it's a great thrill to see my posts rise above single digit cents with your help! You are certainly on my daily list for thanks giving. Blessings~*~
Thank you @saramiller, you’re doing a great job, I’m sure you will be a regular of the list soon :)
I appreciate that!
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