Most people live in false dichotomies.
I'm an ancap/libertarian, but the groupthink is strong on all sides when it comes to covid. Neither the state nor many groupthink libertarians want to admit to the real middle ground positions that are reality when it comes to covid. The statists have overhyped covid somewhat, and about half the libertarians I know haven't given it the correct risk analysis either and downplay it too much.
One example of this is when libertarians quote the misleading mortality rates (which add non-infected people into the denominator) and while many statists will use CFR rates (which overestimate the real dangers of the virus). The honest person uses the best data available to calculate an honest IFR. I can't take anyone serious who spreads "death rates" but are spreading mortality rates or CFR rates.
Thing is the average person isn't smart enough to catch these vital nuances, and hence the fake news train on both sides revs up and the blind supporters just march forward with their misinformation campaigns, treating them as facts.
This is my plea to you, stop using groupthink to make your life analysis. Question everything your friends post, question every source. Stop advancing misinformation from nonempirical sources and especially non-cited works. If it sounds too loony, it probably is.
This is not just a statist problem. It's not just a loony libertarian problem. It's THE main problem from most people today.
Verify, verify, verify and see the nuance in everything, including everything I said and ever will say.