State Wars Day 4 Famous People with Ties
Kalimdor - Dutor - Orgrimmar
Sorry for the weirdness in the way the state names play out.. because I could up it one as well and say Azeroth too, would have been much easier creating an original fictional land but I felt the need to stay loyal to myself.
Today's State Wars Challenge is to name some Famous People with Ties to the state. So guess what? I found a few actually. At least I know in am not the only gamer nerd around.. maybe I'm not so kinda weird?
Chuck Norris
Yup, even made a commercial about it. Check is out below!
You read that right. Want to party with the Prince of Darkness?? Then come visit because Ozzy sure does!!
William Shatner
Can't any better than this! Orc Shaman uh yeah?? It seems like Kalimdor and the whole plane of Azeroth has some pretty dope famous people.
There are a ton of famous people who walk the plains. Maybe you should too. I left out Mr. T and Vern Toyer the guy who plays Mini Me (probably spelled his name so messed up) because he also plays Alliance and can't even get into Orgrimmar without dying... Lol
Here is a link so some other notable people from the plains:
Videos are not my videos credit goes to their original creators!
Screenshot of my character and maps included in the game.
Thanks for Viewing... Have a GREAT MONDAY EVERYONE!
Check out SteemUsa's latest posts HERE
and the Alliance's latests posts as well!
Nice one!
Nice, no Leeroy Jenkins...? :D
Haha totally forgot about that..
Lmao I remember that chuck norris commercial. Its legendary.
Lol yeah!!!
I forgot all about ozzy doing a commercial for wow. If only you could randomly just run into him playing.
While it was not in Wow I did once run into Lemmy in a video game. It was very insane.
I seen Ozzy's last OzzFest show. I got to sit VIP because I was 9 months pregnant!! I could reach out and touch Sharon!
You forgot about the night elf mohawk! Mr T was the best one!
This one stood out to me as I was a night elf hunter for 80% of my WOW experience.
NO.. I didn't, he is mentioned in here but didn't get a spotlight spot because he is Alliance Character LOL
Ok so I misspoke. You purposely left out the best one!