Why you should have a look on Kickback?
Kickback is the event management platform that is build to promote Ethereum based events , with the management services which delivers the highest participation rates, which is correlated with a game and asks people to put a skin in the game for registrations.
At the moment they are in the beta phase and still need work to do, but they have some proven tested lists of events. There are many events which are managed by Kickback and this is how an event looks like;
This is a call which is still open and has some spaces available. To get started it works simple. People commit a small amount of ETH when they RSVP, which is refunded after the check in is done. Anyone that does not show in the event will lose their Ethereum and those cryptocurrencies can be split or divided among the attendees.
R.S.V.P. = répondez s'il vous plaît (ray pawn day si {l} voo play) is a verb{French} (used without object), RSVPed or RSVP'd, RSVPing or RSVP'ing
To access the website you can access with Ethereum wallet or metamask or any of your favorite wallets. And here team is warning people to be sure when they connect, to connect with the mainnet released wallets and to have enough Ethereum available on the wallet.
Once you sign in, you can choose to go to any of the events. And when you show up on the event you can get your Ethereum back by withdrawing it, or you can choose a way to giveaway to the organizer of the event.
Pricing of Kickback is 1$ for people that will show up, so you can create your event for free and make some event management thank to Kickback. It is a fantastic project , but does not seem to be decentralized tho :)