Co-Creating the New Paradigm

in #starwater7 years ago (edited)

We are living in a time where the digital interaction seems to fuel interpersonal gratification. Kinda scary, considering we are Humans - and Physical, In-Person expressions are necessary for emotional health. As an antidote to the trends I’ve been witnessing, I have decided to try this new platform with the intention of expressing deeper, more thought-out commentary on these issues. I have worked for many years to co-create StarWater Collective, out of necessity - to remind each of us we have Something to bring. The rise of Social Media has at times taken us away from the deeper focus, which is rooted in true generating of substance for the purpose of encouraging Social Revolution. This is no small task, and could even be argued that it will be a life-long pursuit. As someone driven to connect with my generation through words, I see the potency of literary interaction. I grew up wanting to engage humans in thought-provoking co-creative experiences, and considering our current status on planet Earth, I admit that I have been taken a bit off course by the wave of Social Media. It can feel like brain candy, scrolling that Feed, and anyone who has ever eaten candy can attest to the fact that there is a limit to how much you should consume.

I am sharing my personal experience as a first post on this platform to engage You in what I hope will be considered valuable insight as we continue to evolve into a more connected, integrated Collective of people. It is my goal to encourage in-depth, intelligent, altruistic communication. With all the blogs out there, I have often times wondered if there is room for another voice. This has silenced me for too long, so now I share with you, Steemit - in an attempt to engage my fellow Real Humans, on a digital platform. Thank you in advance for taking a moment from your life to read what I have been trying to say for many years. May this nourish your brain and not just add to the candy we’ve all consumed so much of.

Like many of you, I have witnessed the shift to the digital as I have come of age. It’s been a mind-boggling experience having gone through high school and graduated without social media, only to have it show up later in life like it’s always been there. The shift from social media seeming like a ‘kid’s thing', to then hearing “Like my Facebook” in professional settings has brought up many reflections, especially in the last few years. In some ways, my resistance to go along with it has cut me out of varying social circuits. In those moments, I do feel a sense of conviction that perhaps I am not meant to be a part of those circuits, in fact perhaps there is a voice in me that is being asked to come out more clearly, on behalf of Humans everywhere, in another circuit altogether.

When I was growing up, adults would teach us about the danger of revealing too much on the internet. They would say, “Don’t use your real name in chatrooms. Limit your screen time so you don’t drain your creative energy. Remember, the friendships you have in person will nourish you differently than the ones formed anonymously online". I really did take these things to heart, and while I had a MySpace account, my most intricate communication on that site had to do with programing my current most favorite song and re-configuring the colors on the page to make an artistic statement. I hardly ever logged in, and when I did, I shared poetry, not every move I had been making since my last log in. I would witness how younger generations seemed to be leaking valuable energy on these sites, documenting their every thought. I remember not wanting to post pictures of where I was or what I was doing, because that would change the excitement of sharing things with my inner circle when we were in person. It always felt like there was a deeper sense of connection when you shared a moment that ‘wasn’t’ online. Now, we often don’t even talk in person about the tsunami of experiences we read on The Feed. We honor weddings, births, deaths, tragedies, and triumphs simply with a click of a button saying “Like”.

I have witnessed how advertisement has gotten more clever, catching current social expressions and using them to sell items. This is a multi-generational issue at this point, even our grandparents are being profiled and targeted and therefore vulnerable to social media manipulation. There is an apparent pulse on trends at a whole new level, almost seeming as though something is watching us more closely. We’ve become accustomed to that feeling. With the revelations of Edward Snowden’s leaked information, we now know for a fact they’ve been using our candid sharing as a way to manipulate our actions - political, spiritual, and even familial. Our online persona is sold to generate more sales. This is more than a little nerve-wracking, considering the implications. We as citizens are feeding into the very system that many of us would like to abolish.

I have always sought to be on the cutting edge, as a leader in my own right - with a message to encourage YOU to do the same. It’s been a part of my life since I can remember, even before the internet. I would write encouraging notes to my friends and leave them in their backpacks. I would create ‘Zines with deep thought and leave them behind books in the bookstore so You would find it, the cosmic synchronistic whoever-you-might-be. I would keep a notebook in my pocket so when I thought of a politically impactful phrase, I’d write it down for the next protest and transfer it to a big white poster board, where I’d then stand on a street corner and try to make eye contact with You, maybe get a honk of appreciation, a moment of Real Connection. These types of interactions fueled my humanness, sought to inspire More Humanness from those around me.

In seeking genuine life experience, I've always tried to remind myself that outward validation is not the way to generate a sense of worth, what matters is your deepest intention and your quality of substance. Now, that outward validation has started to become the only way to engage people, as a professional especially. Being a writer, I think the most disturbing thing I’ve witnessed has been the amount of ill-expressed editorials made public and considered acceptable - in regards to both grammar and intellect. It doesn’t take much to get published in this day and age, all you have to do is hit “Post”. Any expression can join the current of brain candy, and we end up with a messy representation of emotional vomit and/or "fake news". I worry that this may be diluting the relevant voices of our generation, simply because we are too over-stimulated to stop and take notice of a true gem when it reveals itself.

So, with all this being said, I have decided to take these thoughts from my heart and put them into words. I am intrigued at the thought of a platform that focuses on Substance, Professionalism, and Community Development. I am also inspired to subvert the dominant capitalistic paradigm, and I truly support the co-creation of a new way of exchanging value. While my focus is not on a Cryptocurrency Wallet, I am certainly intrigued at the thought of sharing my entrepreneurial aspirations in an environment that is not diluted with interpersonal bantering, but rather - forward thinking intelligent interaction. I can see this being a great outlet for many people, and a place where we can truly deepen our Human Experience in a Digital Age.

Thank you for co-creating the next paradigm of interaction, where we do not resist the Current of Information, but instead seek to Uplift the Quality of what is Shared.

May your Day Be Blessed ~ Zoë Clare



Valuable info, upvoted:)

Excellent work! Looking forward to some exciting times ahead!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts and welcome to the community. :)

Well said, thank you :-)

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