The Book of Boba Fett's fifth episode is actually The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 1

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The best episode of The Book of Boba Fett does not star Boba Fett at all
The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 5 was epic in every single way that has made The Mandalorian a pop culture legend, one of the most watched shows on Disney Plus, and a favorite amongst a fan base which can sometimes be overly toxic (myself included). However, the problem is that it wasn't an episode of The Book of Boba Fett at all; it was in every sense a prologue to the third season of The Mandalorian. When we last see Boba Fett, it has just been declared that he is fully healed, which to me was the director's way of saying, buckle up, it's go time! And for a show that has at times felt slow, and a character who hasn't been as badass as I imagined him to be, I was kind of disappointed that we didn't get to see him finally start to kick ass and take names.

Image Source: Disney Plus
The good thing is that this episode, aptly titled "Return of the Mandalorian" has incredible Darksaber fight scenes featuring our hero Din Djarin, some much needed lore about what actually went down on planet Mandalore all those years ago, but more importantly, two major nods to the fact that Grogu and Din will be reuniting for a new adventure very soon.

Demi Moore as Molly Jensen and Patrick Swayze as Sam Wheat in ghost form.
(CBS via Getty Images)
The most obvious hint at a new adventure for Din Djarin and Grogu is found in Mando's new ride, a custom Naboo N-1 Starfighter with the droid port modified to seat the smallest of creatures. While the ship is sleek, and outrageously fast, it does lack the space for any bounties Din may want to pick up in the future. My theory is that it will serve it's purpose for a buddy cop season 3 of The Mandalorian, in search of maybe the Darksaber itself? It seemed odd to me that the show runners emphasized a scene showing Mando hesitantly giving up all of his weapons, Darksaber included, before boarding his flight.

Image Source: Disney Plus
I hope that episode 6 gets back to the main storyline and we get to see the same level of kickassery from a now fully healed Boba Fett that we did from Din Djarin in this episode.
Leave a comment and let me know what you think the gift for Grogu might be!