2021-08-07steemCreated with Sketch.

in #startrek4 years ago

The belief that Hillary, Rothschild, etc, are untouchable, unstoppable, etc, is a black pill, it's a chasm of fatalism, nihilism, pacifism, etc, etc, etc, a series of feelings, ideology, perspective. And such a point of view pushes you into the mud of a can't-do attitude and a series of things. Some people can be too optimistic. Other people can be too pessimistic. But either way, both perspective can be off. But truth is stranger than fiction. We should seek a balance in perspective. We should be ready for the worse, always be preparing, we can accept it, and we should also be always ready and always expecting the best at the same time, always open minded, always striving for miracles regardless, no matter what, one step at a time, one day at a time, in a practical manner, in a gradual manner as life is the essence of love which is truly the essence of justice and grace which stands as the fortress of life itself. That is the meaning to life. That is the meaning to love, it is an endless loop. It is everything and more and it does work and it always has and always will work.

In regards to abortion, technically, the brain does not simply form or finish forming completely while you are in the womb but instead the brain continues to form more and more for the first 20 to 30 years of your life. So, is a brain a brain during the beginning stages of formation or the ending stages when you are 20 years old or possibly older than that as well? The argument can be that an unborn baby is a person when the brain or heart or certain organs are formed or perhaps finished forming. But with the brain, the problem is it is forming in the womb and yet it also continues to form outside of the womb as well. So, it become more a question of which stage of the formation of the brain is the stage that you consider the brain fully developed or developed enough at that stage in contrast with the fact that it will in fact continue to develop for years to come.

Non-profit organizations hide behind 501(c)(3) forms and yet don't tell you about their 501(c)(4) filing where they can get donations. So, a CEO may say he or she is making $30,000 a year or whatever is a small enough money. In some places, they're also making millions of dollars in donations but do not disclose it. In some cases, there are a bunch of different organizations they're connected to, we're talking money laundering, money is moving around. They hide behind legalize.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Siblings and cousin uniting for the sake of the fight of humanity

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Screenshot at 2021-08-07 12:48:57 Friday Night Tights.png

I was watching Friday Night Tights

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-08-07 - Saturday | Published in August of 2021

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Covid Log

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09:29 PM - Facebook Message Conversation Group
Should we blame China for Covid?
I would not merely blame China any more than I would blame America, it is important to blame specific people and root causes and other things.
Focusing on symptoms is counterproductive if humanity can't be encouraged towards making better choices, if it doesn't move the flow of things to a greater extent, as knowledge is a critical root in how people make decisions and in how things can change.

The belief that Hillary, Rothschild, etc, are untouchable, unstoppable, etc, is a black pill, it's a chasm of fatalism, nihilism, pacifism, etc, etc, etc, a series of feelings, ideology, perspective. And such a point of view pushes you into the mud of a can't-do attitude and a series of things. Some people can be too optimistic. Other people can be too pessimistic. But either way, both perspective can be off. But truth is stranger than fiction. We should seek a balance in perspective. We should be ready for the worse, always be preparing, we can accept it, and we should also be always ready and always expecting the best at the same time, always open minded, always striving for miracles regardless, no matter what, one step at a time, one day at a time, in a practical manner, in a gradual manner as life is the essence of love which is truly the essence of justice and grace which stands as the fortress of life itself. That is the meaning to life. That is the meaning to love, it is an endless loop. It is everything and more and it does work and it always has and always will work.

My Autobiography

History | Future | 1900s | 2000s | 0000s | 1000s | 2000s


List of my Favorite Websites

Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.

The story of my life is like the story of a little boy named Billy Breaker stuck inside an Arnold Attic. The origin of my life can be traced back to my birth in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in a ghetto. I was homeschooled. I lived in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam.

This community is about learning and teaching the English language.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

Learning English is kind of like eating oatmeal because it takes a bite at a time.

This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.

Being healthy is like living life with common sense because if you got none, then you'll probably fall off a cliff. If you got none, you'll lose your mind and your oatmeal.

Gymnastic Lady
2021-08-07 - Saturday - 05:15 PM - Family History Log
Mom was telling me about when she was 12 years old. She didn't say which year. She turned 12 on the 3rd of July of 1963 and turned 13 in 1964. It was probably during the summer because she said it was at a day camp which lasted a few days, probably Monday through Friday, five-day camps are normal. It was a gymnastic camp where she was learning gymnastics with other girls who were of average size like her as opposed to being super short and skinny like scary Barbie dolls. One day, an Olympic hymnastic lady or girl came to perform some flips and a normal routine on the mat. Usually, they do it to music, they dance and flip around for a few minutes. Mom said she doesn't know which person came by but somebody famous, some professional athlete chick. Mom only lived in Washington State her first 5 years or so. Meaning they were living in Oregon in the 1960s. First in Beaverton and then later in other cities more south. Eventually was living in Roseburg around high school and/or after that I think. Don't remember exactly where she was for this camp thing.

Photos of a trip to a beach.
Mom replied, "1953 in Marlene Village was my 3rd birthday party."
1953 - Marilyn's 3rd birthday party, Karen is over a year younger, Marlene Village, beach, PDX developed, 9pics

Mom was born in Seattle in 1951.
Before 1954 apx, mom moved to Marlene Village which appears to be a neighborhood north of Beaverton, Oregon. Well, it may be within city limits or may be a separate town or village. It might be a neighborhood of houses.
Before or around the birth of my mom's brother, Brian, in January of 1955, that is when mom was three and not yet four, they moved some miles or blocks south from Marlene Village towards the center of Beaverton, they lived at the corner of SW 152nd Ave and SW Division St. They moved away when she was 12 in around 1963 or 1964. She turned 12 in 1963. There was a farm on Farmington. The black horse was Gypsy. The smaller horse was Prince, owned by Roxy. Mom took swimming lessons at the Sunset High School. Down Division was a farm to your left. She would sled down that Division when she was like nine.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Space Jam: A New Legacy - Lebron James - part 02

2021-08-07 - Saturday - 01:44 AM - 03:08 AM - Space Jam: A New Legacy - Lebron James - part 02

Lebron James has sex, he literally fucks thousands of white girls and refuses to have sexual intercourse with black women, his own wife, he hates his own race, he hated himself because he accepts evil and bows to Lucifer. None of that is in Space Jam. People talk on Instagram. You can see it on his face. This movie is like the Muppets when Kermit was trying to reunite the old gang who were all off doing their own thing. Daffy was pretending to be Batman or Superman for a show on a train. Lola Rabbit said she has done that before, played a basketball game. So, not a reboot as it referenced the first Space Jam movie from 1996. Rick and Morty is in it. They say 2 times Lebron is the greatest athlete in the world. No. Michael Jordan is a lot better than Lebron. White female rabbit touches Lebron and promises they will get his son back. The female rabbit represents white girls he bangs. AI is sucking humans into the Matrix. THey will all be stuck there forever if one person loses. And toons deleted. They got mad that Daffy said anything but not relevant. It would have happened either way. Bathroom long-line joke echoes an acceptance of communism. Buck it. He means fuck it. The bad guys from the first Space Jam are seen. So many random characters in the crowd. It is like 2 to 1000. Lebron's team is losing to his own son. Lebron is not as cool as Michael Jordan. Speaking of, they tried to bring in Michael Jordan but it was really Michael B Jordan. The cat said it has been 25 years and is hard to remember. Bugs did the glitch move to win, Lebron and his son helped get the ball into the hoop to win 1042 to 1041. Well, Bunny dies but comes back in the real world as he is a toon and not a mere computer animation. So he brings the crew to Lebron's house. Before this, his son joins his team and battle the AI. The computer looked cool as they could have fun like Westworld. The father son story added tears to my eyes. Bill Muray in a photo in the credits.

10:36 AM

Alex Jones said it years ago, you heard on his folk song, they're killing babies and selling their body parts.
Technically, the brain does not simply form or finish forming completely while you are in the womb but instead the brain continues to form more and more for the first 20 to 30 years of your life. So, is a brain a brain during the beginning stages of formation or the ending stages when you are 20 years old or possibly older than that as well? The argument can be that an unborn baby is a person when the brain or heart or certain organs are formed or perhaps finished forming. But with the brain, the problem is it is forming in the womb and yet it also continues to form outside of the womb as well. So, it become more a question of which stage of the formation of the brain is the stage that you consider the brain fully developed or developed enough at that stage in contrast with the fact that it will in fact continue to develop for years to come.

Antifa is bad.
And Petra or what do you call it, they kill 75% of the animals they pretend to rescue.

Non-profit organizations hide behind 501(c)(3) forms and yet don't tell you about their 501(c)(4) filing where they can get donations. So, a CEO may say he or she is making $30,000 a year or whatever is a small enough money. In some places, they're also making millions of dollars in donations but do not disclose it. In some cases, there are a bunch of different organizations they're connected to, we're talking money laundering, money is moving around. They hide behind legalize.

12:32 PM
Star Gate episode
Tim explains how they go to this force-field dome planet. The AI was connected to the brains of the people there. One day, they see 4 people con the council. Next day, only three. What happened to person 4? What, there has always been 3 people. They go to a house and talk to a husband and wife. The wife gets up and walks outside the force-field and died. They turned to the husband and he said he was never married. The AI would make them forget. The AI controlled the force field and it was running out of energy. The planet was dying or toxic. The AI was given the task of keeping the humans alive as long as possible. The city had close to a million people and then only 200 people or something small. But couldn't humans have solved that energy crises? Would you rather be in the dark of a problem?

People followed Google Maps into the lake or into the desert to die or close to it.

12:48 PM
Nerdrotic - WEAPONIZING Identity | The Suicide Squad - Friday Night Tights with Keri Smith & Chrissie Mayr

03:23 PM
Cross dressing man gets mad at store owner in Aberdeen, WA. Seuss book sign. Born with dick, then you are not a chick.

Watched Friday Night Tight throughout Saturday while scanning and publishing family photos.

10:20 PM
Red Letter Media - Re:View - Star Trek The Next Generation Season One

Star Trek has many virus episodes. Could it be to get scared of Covid? Many episodes deal with the temptation of sex. There were aliens who worked in pairs. They were binary. They were logical. Oh, it was not a virus. They were addicted to drugs.

11:44 PM
Red Letter Media - Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #22

Workout video with a stick. Oh wait, that stick is symbolic for a penis.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

11:44 PM
Red Letter Media - Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #22

Dear diary, got up at 10:20 AM. Compost. Breakfast. Dishes in the afternoon and evening. Spent the day scanning and publishing family related photos. Nap at 09:55 PM to 10:20 PM. My dad in it. Oh, speak up. At clam. Oh, was not sure what he wanted me to do or what.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, apple, 10:40 AM. Egg omelot, 11:02 AM.
Lunch: soup stuff, so spicy it gave me the hiccups, around 2 or 3.
Dinner: soup on coffee bread, around 5 and again around 8 to 9.

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Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here.
The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on PeakD, then Ecency and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into PeakD links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via PeakD. Oh, Ecency does this too. But Hive Blog does not.
Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc.

The following is only a sneak preview of a few examples of where you might find my daily posts.
Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurtter . com: https://blurtter.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Dream-Real . com: https://dream-real.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Ecency . com: https://ecency.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive Blocks . com: https://hiveblocks.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive . Blog: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn | https://hiveblog.c0ff33a.uk/@joeyarnoldvn
Leo Finance . IO: https://leofinance.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Online Buzz . com: https://onlinebuzz.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Staging-Blog Hive . IO: https://staging-blog.hive.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem . Open Hive . Network: https://stem.openhive.network/#!/@joeyarnoldvn
Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn
Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem Geeks.net: https://stemgeeks.net/@joeyarnoldvn
Sub Stack . com: https://joeyarnoldvn.substack.com
Waivio . com: https://www.waivio.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Weed Cash . Network: https://weedcash.network/@joeyarnoldvn
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Duck Duck Go Search: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn&ia=web
And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck.

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