Moldavite the Starseed's Key to Embracing their Extraterrestrial Origins and Activating their Divine Mission on Earth

in #starseed8 years ago (edited)

Moldavite's Formation 

Moldavite is a unique green tektite that was formed by a meteorite impact around 15 million years ago in the region now known as the Czech Republic. There are various tektites from a long history of impacts, but only the impact in the Czech Republic formed a truly lime green stone. Other tektites are a dull grey brown hue. Tektites are also referred to as "impact glass" because they are a type of glass formed by the terrestrial material being heated and ejected into the air when an extraterrestrial meteorite hits the earth.  Obsidian differs because it is a natural glass made from earths terrestrial heats usually in the form of volcanoes. 

An example of one of the moldavite's in my personal collection: 


Moldavite Starseeds and Spirituality

Moldavite truly bridges the gap between Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial energies, and it is this reason that many associate it with the spiritual phenomenon known as Starseeds. Starseeds are beings with origins outside of planet Earth. They come with a history of lifetimes on other planets and other star systems. They incarnate with a specific mission to uplift and help assist Terrestrial, native Earth humans, and the Earth, also referred to as Gaia, with the process of awakening and remembering their spiritual nature. This method of ET incarnation in a human vessle allows other entities to assist humans and earth in an incognito fashion.

Many starseeds from an early age have various symptoms and feelings of not belonging or being from here. They are usually more intuitive and active in the mystical realms such as dreams. Some may jokingly refer to these beings as "old souls" not realizing that their is truth in their wording. I awoke to the fact that I was a starseed around the age of 17 and with it came many uncomfortable realizations about my Divine Mission. One side affect was the constant nagging feeling of not belonging, not relating with other humans, and also constant miscommunication with other people. I was having a hard time feeling fully grounded and connected with the Earth and being disassociated with the norms of my society.

Then I found moldavite and my whole world changed. Moldavite is typically known in the metaphysical world to be a stone of rapid ascension, activation, and transformation. It is known as one of the highest frequency stones on the planet. At first I could only wear the stone for a day or two at a time without being overwhelmed, but now I can wear it daily if I am willing to embrace the changes that I will undergo. I now feel more grounded and connected to the Earth. I feel the balance of my star origins and my current terrestrial form represented perfectly within the energy of the crystal. A years worth of spiritual growth can happen in a single month. I can relate easily to those around me, and I effortlessly attract like minded people who are upholding a similar Divine Mission Vibration.

Working with Moldavite can be overwhelming and seem to cause "bad things" to happen to those who aren't ready for the changes that need to take place. Sometimes things we judge to be "bad" are necessary to happen in order for all of the positive synchronicity to happen in our life. I urge those who are new to using crystals to work with a strong grounding stone such as black tourmaline or garnet to help ground the higher dimensional energy into their bodies.


Moldavite is one of the most precious stones I've come across. I've always known I was different and I finally began to wake up in 2012. It's always lovely to see another like-minded soul. Shadow and starlight )O(

Do you mind sharing the story of how you came across it the first time? Always a blessing to connect with other seers :)

Sure! I was watching a favorite show of mine Ancient Aliens and they mentioned this special green stone that was said to hold power. That it could be found in the holy grail. The name resonated with me and stuck there so I pulled it up on Google and read about its properties. Being drawn to the stars, I appreciated it's cosmic Origins. Soon I knew I had to own a piece and did some research until i purchased a tiny piece on Amazon for $10. When i received it, I turned it into a necklace but it loved to fall off. Thankfully it never actually got lost. It drained me a lot but i knew it was helping my spiritual path. And now it has a lovely habit of coming and going out of my life. It dissappears. Pops up when I need it. I own two pieces and call my first one Davit as a name.

Hahaha. A little unrelated but still funny. Thanks for sharing!

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