🔮 Cerebral Data Analysis; Understanding Power.. 🔮
Lab STAR: Concurrent brainwaves now fully active! Continue the process, we will now go deeper inside the negapositive zone located at the center mind of Hero Rasseru. Here we can directly read any thoughts and feelings at current present. What may be seen might be unexplainable, but analysis Must continue... We will watch this Chamber.. The truth is now here.
Team STAR WARNING⚠️ : This is an absolute unknown/unsafe practice, connecting directly to a brain through electrical state is completely forbidden. We do not 🚫 condone or advise you to proceed in such acts. We are only fulfilling the Prophecy.
Lab STAR 👥 : We will now proceed with inside brain readings of Rasseru's Negapositive center. Is it somewhat visible to see? It seems we have a small, but visible response
****end transmission****
Great, its slowing gaining more power.
What prophecy are you only fufiling?
Lab STAR 👥 Automated Response: to explain in short, People of this planet, one of almost infinite, holds groups of beings known to most people as "Heroes"... Some familiar names might include; Superman, One Punch Man, Goku, Spiderman, Captain America, All Might, and absolute etc! What you see here, is a new being that has said to be apart of a great Prophecy... Soon life will know a new absolute ultimate infinity hero placed above every other hero in all of existence! Known as The Legendary Star Hero Rasseru!💪⭐✨
Ok, never knew those heroes you mentioned were real and not just in movies.
Lab STAR 👥 Automated Response: Because they do not exist on a physical plain, does not mean that they don't exist. Millions of beings look to these heroes, although they are not here with us. They have carried on in the hearts of many, making some beings even, the people that make up a better world today!
Ok then. The world anyway don't seem better from the stand point of many. Anyways, thanks for the explanation