To The World: The Raping of Hong Kong
5 victims shared their sexual assaults trauma conducted by Hong Kong Police (or suspected CCP armed police dressed in Hong Kong Police Uniforms).
To the leaders of the free world, please listen to what they have to stay.
Liberate them, Liberate us, Liberate Hong Kong.
To the leaders of the Free World,
I am a Hong Kong father of six, and a grandfather of four.
The video I am presenting to you is about young boys and girls being attacked by Military police (of CCP) dressed in Hong Kong police uniforms.
In the last 12 months, over 10,000 of our young boys and girls have been arrested, beaten, tortured, murdered, raped; and some even been sent to China to concentrate camp, and we have no idea what happened to them.
Please support Hong Kong.
The National Security Law being passed now will bring about an ethnic cleansing in Hong Kong. We are the free Chinese; and across the border are the slave Chinese.
I want to present to your this video to understand how bad the Fascist police really are. Thank you.
我們想對這個自由世界的領導人說,請聆聽他們對這個自由世界發出的呼喚, 請解救他們,解救我們,解放香港。
我們這個視頻是關於香港一些年輕的男孩和女孩子, 被一批穿著香港警察制服的(中共)軍警所襲擊的事件.