It's just tough to be objectively and subjectively judged. Sometimes you want and need that though in order to exceed in your craft. It is like you said: stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there takes a bit of courage. Fortunately it is also possible to "fail upwards" if you just try often enough, you never know what's gonna stick!
Subjectively I really like your jokes and delivery, but of course I've got the context for them.
Objectively (stepping back as best I can) I think there is a lot of talent there that needs further practice. That's really the secret eh, practicing without starting to resent what you are doing. If you can manage that it'll be a fun ride.
For the Horde.
Your point about failing upwards is spot on. Sometimes I think the idea of failing "downwards" shouldn't even exist, failing is part of the process of becoming good at anything :D
Well...that's not what they teach you at school though!
Good for us we have (had) a problem with authority ;)