Home Staging: Master Bedroom
How to stage your master bedroom...
Think Vacationing to a Spa and Retreat
Light balanced so it is inviting but also soft for atmosphere
Never leave any needed repairs undone
Clean and Declutter
Relaxing and neutral colors
Timeless Choices
Not overly Masculine or Femine
Do Not Overfill with Furniture
Utilize a focal point such as a fireplace or headboard.
Give your bed the Ritz Spa treatment
Avoid a messy closet.
Bonus: Remove your wire hangers and invest in some of the space-saving felt covered hangers.
Pretty nice bedroom. lol
I would change the chandelier though.
You know you have a high ceiling when you have that large of a chandelier and it fits in place.
Over masculine? Does that mean my suits of armor in the corner is too much? Are handcuffs on the wall considered masculine or just kinky?
The avoid a messy carpet I agree with. My wife reminds me of that one on a consistent basis @realestatecoach