A Fortnight Without Steemit

in #stach7 years ago

Be it as it may be,have you ever imagined what life was likened to in the days when man had never invented the mobile phones and internet?well i got a fried taste of that.
It all started on the 24th of December when i made up my mind to embark on the journey to my own village Umuakwu(i wont mention where in,because it is a place of pride.lol).Not like i never knew what was to come but it was a shadow i couldnt escape from.On arriving my village that night,i was the only person in the compound.It seemed as if i was spending it alone in a boring style not until 25th morning.I woke up to the sound of automobiles and there were my cousins,uncles and aunts trooping out of their cars like hitlers soldiers of world war 2,warm embraces and shoutings followed and that kicked off my christmas celebrations.
My twin brother and I were to slaughter a billygoat the next morning in the chill of the harmattan and roast of the skin like men in the aba slaughter but we were up to the task.as early as 4am on that morning i was dragging the goat to its ghastly slaughter for execution like a high way robber.as i put my sharp knife underneath its throat the rest became history as i only reminded myself of the al-shabab terrorists that slit throats in broad daylight.well..there was alot of meat from thenceforth.
My village Umuakwu is a place of prestige and history,made up of 9clans of which 7 have rivers,freshwater running from a mountain source which makes anyone from my village a born swimmer.unbelievable right?but it is.
My village is known also for the stunning december football league in which of course i represent my clan in the no7 role,i love and play football but this xmas i injured my shoulder and up till now i need to go to a bone doctor but it costs alot for so im carrying an injured shoulder around for now.We were eliminated in the fourth round thought by another clan with a 2-1 scoreline despite being first to score(scoring the earliest goal of the competition) and it hurt us alot.In all these circumstnaces i couldnt steem or browse because there was no 3G network precisely in my village but i could only make and recieve calls.It really hurt me alot because i was loosing reputation and relevance in the group.but I am happy and back to stay right now.
The experience is somthing i can never forget though!!


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i am making a group of 50 including me
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My man you de enjoy

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