in #stach6 years ago


The only way you can overcome this world of distractions is to know what your real self esteem is, I mean what you stand for, and what exactly you are following, one of the major challenges of our days is people moving forward with no definite direction in view, people mostly say they are going somewhere, no goal is set, no futuristic ambition in view, no role model of what is likely to become an end point of what we called purpose or vision of what we really want to become in life, majorly because we don't have certain "does" and "don't" that guide us through the way.


As individuals, it is expedient to set boundaries and rules that guide our life, in doing that, we have chances of becoming a better person and what we actually wants to become in life.

Another thing is that we have a self definition, keep telling yourself what did you really stands for that you can actually make your watchword, that is what you should set before you always and never ever forget it or put it out of your sight.


Daily you must keep reminding yourself to stand for God, for integrity, for consecration, for diligence, for consistency, for alienation from laziness, for more prove of yourself that you can do it and that something big can come out of your life, you must always remind yourself that you are not like anybody else or every other person, everybody else maybe able to do some things but as for you, things are very different and you got to understand it that way.


Let us in a bit digress in to the life of a man like the former United States of America president, in person of President Barack Obama, who from the world view believe that a black man cannot reach the White House but he was purposeful, he believes in himself and his identity, he recognized what he stood for and he was able to get is not enough when people see that you can do it unlike when you believe in your vision by yourself.


What about the great patriotic leader from South Africa in person of Nelson Mandela, a man who fought for his people to freedom to the point that he was ready to fight till death, he was imprisoned for years and yet inside the prison, he was still looking for the chance to make a change, he believes while he was still in prison that he could lead his people and he will not stop seeing that every single he spent in the prison.

What about a man like Bill Gate who while he was in school, his mate believe he is a dull child and that he can't make anything out of his life but with words of encouragement from his mother, with the struggles, yet he is one of the richest in the world today.

When you fail to have principles that guide your life or that will make you to be extra discipline in your pursuit, you tends to fail for the tricks of the flesh everything.

As a man or woman of pursuit and a vision, you must have principles that will guide your life, you must not just allow anything and everything to go in your life.

Don't follow the flow, don't follow the trend, a lack of definition will make you follow the crowd and end up in a general destination.

Define your own path, and don't just run after everything the world is running after. Have principles that are guiding your life and stick with them.

Many people will want you to follow them, and you will follow if you don't have a destination defined.

Know where you are going, and don't stray from the path no matter the noise around you, you are in a market place, stick with the grocery list, don't follow the noise, be principle in everything........ So that your life will a role model for someone tomorrow.




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