Little Mother Fuckin' Spineless Pieces of TRASH !!! That's OK because You would STAB Your Own Mother in The BACK !!!

in #spt5 years ago (edited)

For the Foreseeable Future I will not Be POSTING any CONTENT on Steemit or Palnet or any Other Front End of this Blockchain.........

I Watched my Girl Friend Get Down Voted a Few Days Ago, Now You Little COWARDLY MOTHER FUCKER's Come Along and Do The Same Thing to My Post.
God Forbid I Do an Extremely Positive Post Towards Splinterlands That Virtually Single Handedly Helped Many People in Steemit to Get Way More Wealth Built During the Last Year and Have More FUN

This Blogging CIRCLE JERK of Authority (Fucking Rent a Cops) Thinks that they are Going to Help Save Steemit From SPAM.

I am Sorry I Tried to be Helpful and Spend 27 STEEM to @tipu, an entire $3.78 to Promote a Really Cool and Fun Post so That @aggroed and @yabapmatt could Smile and Know that They are Doing GREAT !!! Which They Are.........

Go Ahead Keep Down Voting I Really Don't Give a FUCK and Here is to You The FUCKING Power Hungry Whales........Or Should I say COWARDS because if You Look in My Steem Wallet I might just be Raping Your Sacred Rewards Pool.......Go Ahead KILL STEEM With This Nonsense and Maybe More and More of my Fellow @ssg-community Brothers and Sisters will Step Back in Solidarity Too and Stand for this No More.........

I Want To Apologize to @aggroed and to @yabapmatt for my Language Here and I want to Tell You I Love both of You Guys and I will Continue to Purchase Packs and Play on the Steemmonsters Battlefield. I also Want to Apologize to Mark @exyle who has been Probably my Favorite and most Kind Steemian I have ever had the Pleasure of Following in the over 3 Years that I have Been Here..........

Thank GOD that I don't Have to Call out your Names We Know who You are because you are COWARDS that WAITED a Whole DAY until You Drove By and SHOT DOWN my POST.............

Thank You @raybrockman for The Post You did the Other Day to Stick UP for One of Our Own........

TYRANNY is Now in the HANDS of The COWARDS. You Want Your Centralized Power TRIP? You Got It ENJOY !!

@bitcoinflood I Know Tonight EXACTLY how You Feel After I read Your Post Earlier Today, You too Were The Enemy of The EGO Maniacs.......

I Call on my Brothers and Sisters of the STEEMSILVERGOLD Community to Band Together and Just STOP POSTING for Now and Let the DOWN VOTER POLICE Take all of The REWARDS they Want. Things Will Change in The Future and You Will See.

If You Want to Post Still That is OK because I BACK YOU No MATTER What. 30 Years AGO I thought I Knew Everything and I had to Set my EGO Aside so that I Could Live. I am a Recovering Drug Addict who Has been Sober for Almost 30 Years. Yes, Cocaine is a Helluva Drug...........

I know that POWER Corrupts and I would just Rather Wait on the Sidelines Until The People that are KILLING STEEMIT Realize that We Don't Have to Play Anymore and They can BOAST About How They FUCKED OVER a Few More Little Guys Today........

Enjoy COWARDS have a Nice Evening..........

I Can Curate all Kinds of Content and not have a Bad Bone in my Body to Down Vote or Hurt Anyone on This Platform.......

I Hope You Feel Good Because You Certainly Made my Day and You Most Certainly Hurt My Best Friend and She Let Me Know How Hurt She Was, At Least there is ONE Person in My Life that Will Back Me. I Love You Ms. Saver @silversaver888..........

I LOVE All of the MEMBERS of @ssg-community. I am Not Going Anywhere but Enough is Enough !!!

Don't Worry Charles @stackin I will Still have More Shout Outs for You in the Future.

That's All I Have for Now......

See You On the Battlefield............

If you enjoy content such as this then please feel free to UP Vote........

Follow me here on Steemit & at @stokjockey

Also Support all of the Silver & Gold Stackers as well as #steemsilvergold !!!


The downvotes would not be so bad if there was the promised curation projects AND they were effective. As it stands they are just knocking people down and mostly voting an inner circle. It leaves a lot of people out in the cold and jaded.

At this rate we are going to lose a lot more good people before the platform bottoms out - if it even does eventually "normalise".

I know I even said in the post I did when I got the HUGE Legendary Card that i was going to Spend 27 Steem with @tipu to have my post Trend because I wanted Everyone in the World to get involved knowing that Steemmonsters saved the CIRCLE JERK of a BLOG Platform. Some People just will NEVER figure it Out. The Stupidity Runs Deep in these Poor Lost Souls........ Thank you for commenting @buggedout I love your Support.........

I hear you bro, I got hammered for promoting the steemsilver round, a 2bd bid to @tipu got whacked. I was giving away my fkin 25 monster packs too!😖

That is why I am not a Fan at all of the Rent a Cops....

Posted using Partiko Android

They are hypocrites simple as that. They preach content but then ignore it because of services they say are bad. Then a good number of them get upvotes from the same service. When called on it they say it's different. Yea it is because you are benefiting and forcing Steemians to act the way you want through fear.
When steem is up they are fat and happy and when steem drops now they are all butt hurt because of the money they lost. Just my view and believe me anyone that hurt Saver is a true enemy to me. Thanks for a great post and if you notice I have already pulled back a good bit.

Posted using Partiko Android

I LOVE You @dwingsworld and I so Love How You Stick UP for Ms. Saver. You are Very Special to Her and I know that She Feels very close to you...............

With ya 100% SJ, and now you know why I am powering DOWN and doing Steem Alts... Exactly for this reason! Our good mutual (girl, lol) friend SS888 has never said a single bad thing about anyone on Steemit. Just pumped out Good Content! Like you, she did not deserve any flags and I am pretty sure I saw a "former bid-bot operator" flagging heavily. That SCREAMS 😱 HYPOCRISY!!!
Someone who has been on here less time than I have, made whale status, then all the sudden loses his balls and "gains a conscience" against Bid Bots. 🤦‍♂️🙄
Taking $30 out of your potential rewards is BS Man, pure and simple.

Let's start an SSG token or front end or something, or just keep SPInvesting to the top!

YES !!! Thank You @underground, YOU GET IT !!!

We have the SPI which is going awesomely, that has a Steem-Leo side deal, and I'm a big Neoxian Fan, I see Mr Dragon himself has checked in and supports you 😎 Plenty of ways around this stupid drama and afaik the other UI's don't have these problems! DM me if U want any more info, lots of SSG folks are in SPInvest ;)

Give me a Few Days to Relax and then I will look into those directions


DM me if U have any Q's my friend 😎

Dear @stockjockey,

This is the first post I have seen of yours and we don't know each other yet as I am newish around here(started blogging on steem a few weeks ago). But your post and your words touched me and my heart goes out to you. I too am a RDA who has been sober for 7 years(cocaine and IV H..) and just wanted to commend you and give you some proper respect on your amazing 30 year sobriety achievement. Being new here I am still catching up on the political situation and history around here, but just from understanding people and the ways alot humans are corrupted by power I can pretty much come to an understanding of what has been going on, and just wanted to say I am glad the community has people like you in it who can stand up and say fuck you to people like that whose sole purpose in life is motivated by greed and bringing others down. It may not mean much coming from a steem newb(doing my best to get better and keep learning everyday though!) but THANK YOU for making posts like this. I will support you 100%, your post was bold which I loved, but what I found even more compelling in your words was how you also showed a great amount of humility the way you talk about your past self and the things you realized you had to change to survive, people(including myself) can truly learn from such wisdom. I just wanted to tell you that. Also I just started on steem monsters too a few days ago it is very cool, I such and have crap cards but am trying to learn the ropes and think it is a great Dapp(I have mostly played EOS/Eth dapps prior to this)! Was kinda bummed that I missed out on beta packs but at least I got here in time for the upcoming untamed so trying looking to the bright side, hope there is still a little opportunity in the game for a newcomer! But yeah thank you for being so open and sharing some of your story, it was truly inspiring <3 . I know you said you won't be posting for awhile but I am still going to follow you for when you start up again =) Looking forward to it! Fuck the haters.

@vazriel, this is a very touching comment. Coming from you who have had a similar experience as our dear friend @stokjockey (I say similar because I know that each one is different), it is sincerely heartfelt. I truly admire an individual who can make decisions and follow through with those decisions. At that time when it was most difficult to do so (you 7 years ago, him 30 years ago), you and @stokjockey made a decision to get out of your addiction and followed through with the actions that are necessary to do so. I can only imagine how overwhelming it must have been to take the steps to change and to avoid relapses. So many people in this world make great resolutions and decisions but never take action.
And there are others who make wrong decisions and take massive action resulting in chaos, injustice and hurt... such as those to whom this article of @stokjockey is addressed to. Kudos to @stokjockey for his courage to speak his mind.
I just followed you, @vazriel. !tip

Thank you for taking the Time to reply Ms. Saver, I am still a little Groggy.......

Posted using Partiko Android

You must come back to us, dear @stokjockey! We love your articles 😍and you have been a tremendous resource to all of us, most specifically to the stacking community and Splinterlands. And what’s Halloween without your Halloween extravaganza?!!! We miss you... 😞, please come back. Will lots of hugs and kisses do it? So here’s a million🤗❤️💋🤗❤️💋🤗❤️💋 X 1,000,000!

Yes REAL Ones might work.......Ms. Saver

@silversaver888 thank for your kind words, the tip, and the follow. You really put a smile on my face with your reply, you truly and genuinely understand the darker and most difficult parts of the human condition and how destructive it can be, and difficult, but not impossible to make lasting change for the better. Thank you so much for showing compassion and commendation all in one reply, I will be following you as well as you are definitely someone I would be lucky to have in my social circle :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank You for Sharing @vazriel

🎁 Hi @vazriel! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @silversaver888!

@silversaver888 wrote lately about: Opening A Gift Splinterlands Beta Pack Feel free to follow @silversaver888 if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

They slammed me the day before Saver. F**k them...

Don’t quit man! We love ya man! I get flagged at times but it’s all good, keep pushin that content 💯

Charles next time I am Up in VEGAS and it Wont be That Long From Now we are Going to MEET in Person. Thank You for Commenting Right Away. I am Not Going Anywhere....... @stackin

Been always putting out good well attributed content and when they DV me, they better be able to explain why or my Ninja blade will taste blood. I Will be pulling out the Hacking kit.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank You @kerrislravenhill I have always Appreciated Your Support and Kindness

I LOVE YOU @neoxian ........... I Know That You Know That I Know. Old Guys like me have been Around The Block............


My Buddy SJ is an asset to ANY Community!
I'm telling all the peeps how awesome it is @neoxiancity 😎

Oh Mr. Stok, there was much need in this post. They (newsteem) don't get it. They only value their circle and if your not in thay circle, well you dont have any value to add. I've (we've) been here for a long time, we have seen the good,,,,the bad,,,, and the newsteem. Not sure we will be around to see the next step. Funny thing is, I am not impressed with their 1 mil plus steem powered accounts, I mean at $.14 cents it wouldn't be hard to get to 1,000,000 it would how ever be a bad and very risky investment. Its a last ditch effort for them to recoup some of their losses, but it wont work, the have blinders on and by the time they are done steemit will be under 100 active members. Shit brother I could go on and on. This has been going on for sometime though, one of the newsteem is the old grumpycat, and well, we now he didn't last long. Hang in there bud... when the dust settles SSG will still be here kicking ass and stacking silver.

I know @raybrockman I had Such a wonderful Post Where I Even said in the post I was going to spend 27 Steem with @tipu to boost the post. I got some Great UP Votes Right Away and I Even Got More Positive MOJO for the Upcoming "Untamed" Steemmonsters. Even @yabapmatt The Fuckin' Creator of Steemmonsters came by and Gave me a Nice UP Vote within an hour or so of the post. Then almost a Whole Day Later (Rent a Cops) Came by to do Their EGO maniacal BullShit. They Want to Make Sure I did not make $10 Bucks because I might RAPE their Sweet Rewards Pool. Believe me Ray my Steemmonsters are 3 times the Value of this Bullshit Circle Jerk Blog. that's OK though because Steemmonsters Saved this Dying Circle Jerk and They Can Now Sit around in Discord and Laugh about How They did a Drive By Shooting on another Quality Steemian Who only Wanted to Help what has Kept THEIR DYING Circle Jerk Alive..... I not going anywhere but I Appreciate the comments and Support of Course..............

My friend, they don't read or care about the post. They are like stupid machines: it was upvoted by a bot then downvote is automatic. They don't care if you are just putting the post above 20 steems, not to lose part of your received upvotes or if you are pumping it with a good reason.
Instead of "Might for Right" they are using "Might is Right".
I was downvoted a few times by some of them, like @ocdb and I stopped buying upvotes, forced by them. The funny (or not) thing is that until one month ago I was a whitelisted author and I could send up to 100 steem daily to @ocdb, to be upvoted. At that time, all was legal and all was right. Now that they are "curating", do you know how many of my daily posts, all original contents, were curated by them? Zero. In Portuguese there is this phrase : "Do as I tell you, do not as I do".

I Thank You for making this very serious and right on Point Comment @ronaldoavelino The way the platform is being treated now is just Disgusting. I understand why they feel that Down Votes are something that has come into the forefront. This NANNY STATE Bullshit is why I so Despise GOVT. of any Kind. TRUE FREEDOM is being Open and Up Front. I Was Open and Up Front Explaining in the Post Why I was Buying the @tipu Vote. You know and I know that Steemmonsters really did save this platform. Just Blogging to make Ten Cents right now is a WASTE of Time.....

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