The story behind Ruler of the Seas - Splinterlands Fantasy Story and Music Contest // Week 21 //

in #spt5 years ago

Ruler of the Seas.png

Are you fascinated to know the story behind the famous people? Well, in this post I will tell you the story behind a very famous Splinterlands warrior called Ruler of the Seas. It is a truly impressive story that will make you know the highlights and never before told of this unique character and also with this post I am participating in Splinterlands Fantasy Story and Music Contest. Of which you can also participate. I invite you to read and find out about this fascinating story


The warrior troops under Samurai Akiyama were heading at full speed towards the city of Kyoto which was being besieged by the Shogun Kamakura. It was well known that the invading troops under Shogun Kamakura were beastly and bloodthirsty and the Emperor and his family were in grave danger if they fell into the hands of the Shogun.

Not only the Emperor and his family were in danger but also women, elders, and children since days before the Shogun and his troops had invaded a town near Kyoto and burned everything in its path leaving desolation and death.

At full gallop, Samurai Akiyama demanded the maximum from the steed. The sparkling breath of the beast denoted the great effort that the noble beast was making at the blow of the whip on its backs.

Men and beasts were confused in the thicket of the dust they left behind. It was urgent to arrive to the city of Kyoto on time and fortunately this happened. It was the year 1283.

Japan was torn between wars and military uprisings struggling to take command of the archipelago.

When the Samurai Akiyama and his warriors were in the immediate vicinity of the city of Kyoto they developed a very good strategy taken from the famous Chinese book “The Art of War” where it is stated that the enemy should be attacked closely making him believe that it is from far or far, making him believe that it is from near.

With this strategy in mind the best archers of the Samurai Akiyama attacked the invaders from a distant hill, calling the enemy's attention in this way while the rest of the most skilled Samurai warriors in martial arts attacked the enemy by surprise from the rear. The battle was decisive and thus managed to save Kyoto and the Emperor from a bloody invasion by the Shogun Kamakura.

The next day the Samurai Akiyama retired to a nearby lake to practice contemplative meditation and that was when a spacecraft suddenly landed near the place and very strange beings descended from the ship and took the Samurai Akiyama which did not Oppose any resistance.

He was like in a mental trance induced perhaps by strange beings and it was easy for them to take him to the ship. The Samurai returned in a short time and soon noticed that his bodily appearance was not the same and neither was his dress. One of the strange beings approached the Samurai and said in words perfectly understandable to the warrior:

-We have been watching you for a long time and we know that you are a very bold warrior. We know that you perfectly master martial arts and that you are capable of beating anyone who dares to face you and that you have very advanced military strategies.

-We believe that you are very valuable and important for our cause and that is why we have taken the audacity to kidnap you so that you fight for us.

-How can I fight for a cause which I don't know and that is not my cause? - emphasized the Samurai - and how is it that I have been transformed with this physical appearance without my consent?

-We apologize for it. - The strange being replied - but we know that you will understand and also fight for our cause. Since the beginning of time, your ancestors have been illustrious men who have excelled in all the sciences and art of war.

-We know that now you will not be able to understand anything because you were kidnapped in 1283 when the world was still going through many wars. New nations and kingdoms were forming and still forming. Several centuries have passed in your world since you were abducted. Knowledge and science have advanced a lot and as I told you before your ancestors were men who contributed to the transformation and conquest of the world and the sciences.

-You are a direct descendant of historical figures such as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Spartacus, Socrates, Aristotle, Galileo Galilei, Napoleon Bonaparte, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein. Each of them stood out in different aspects of life but they transformed the world.

The Samurai did not know what to say before all he was hearing. Those names were totally unknown to him and it seemed even stranger to be told that he was a direct descendant of all those characters.

-It is clear that you cannot understand it. - said the strange being - but we will show you the world and its history from the beginning of time so you can understand everything. First I must tell you that time as you know it does not exist.

-Time is not linear, that is, there is neither the past nor the present nor the future, but everything is merged into one. The time how you know it is just an illusion created by the mind to be able to be located in a certain imaginary time and space.

The strange beings opened a window in absolute time and the Samurai could see through that window how the universe was from the beginning of time according to human perception but now he could see with a 360-degree vision.

He saw how stars and galaxies formed from the very beginning of the Big Bang.

It was a gigantic spectacle of multiple colors and flashes of lights everywhere where new stars, galaxies and planets were forming at every moment. It reverberated the universe of creative energy and everything that now exists was created then.

There has never been and never will be a show in the universe as great as that. He also saw how the sun and the earth formed and the entire solar system.

He could see the dinosaurs form and dominate the earth and see how they became extinct because of the huge meteorite that hit the earth.

The Samurai could see the cavemen, the Neanderthal man, the Homo Sapiens, the stone age and as the time went by the men scattered throughout the corners of the earth forming countries, kingdoms and conquering seas and land.

He saw how the pyramids of Egypt and the Chinese wall were built. The rise and fall of the Persian, Roman and Mongol Empire, and in more recent periods the First and Second World War and the journey of man to the moon.

In a relatively short time, theSamurai could see how in a film how the history of mankind developed through the ages and could also verify that he did indeed descend from all those famous people in history.

Somehow the universe was intertwining the life of those characters in the story and placed the Samurai in the family tree of each of them so that there was no doubt that he really descended from them.


After the Samurai saw the entire history of the universe and the earth, suddenly before his eyes he began to see how the sun was growing greatly and increasing the temperature to unimaginable levels and how he swallowed the earth and all the other planets devouring them with immeasurable flames of fire and then exploding and spreading throughout the universe in trillions of pieces causing an expansive wave that will rumble in the universe for millions of years; It was an unprecedented and frightening spectacle.

Perplexed the Samurai before that revelation was greatly disturbed and the strange being told him:

-You have witnessed the final holocaust; the apocalypse. The earth and the solar system came to an end and only you have saved yourself. You are the only survivor of the apocalypse because we rescue you in time.

-In your body there is the primary gene that makes you overcome any circumstance and reinvent yourself every day and create new and favorable situations that transform life to higher levels every day. Your ancestors also had it and that's why they transformed the world just as you could see it.

The Samurai could not leave his astonishment. There were so many things that had happened before his eyes in such a short time that it was hard to believe it could be true. It was hard for him to believe that he could have been an eyewitness to the end of humanity, the earth, and the entire solar system.

-Why did you save me? - Samurai asked the strange being - What do I do with existing if I am the only survivor of the human species?

-That's a great question. - said the strange being - and deserves a great response. We knew that the end of the earth was imminent; That was nearing its end. We had seen how your ancestors had transformed the history and life of humanity but they had already completed their life cycle and that only you were left with the gene we talked about before.

-Therefore, we consider it worthwhile to survive the apocalyptic holocaust and that valuable gene is not extinguished but for reasons that only the universe knows puts you at a crucial moment where life on the planet where we live is seriously compromised because of some monsters that want to invade us. Our planet is called Splinterlands and is currently going through multiple battles and wars that threaten peace.

-We have genetically lost the ability to reproduce and our genes do not accept cloning. For this reason, we are also close to a safe end but we can clone you since your genes can be cloned and that way you and your clones will begin to populate our planet when we have disappeared.

-Obviously your body is no longer the same because in order to bring you it was necessary to physically adapt your body to the physical laws of our dimension which are different from those of the dimension from which you come.

-Our planet Splinterlands is immensely rich in all kinds of minerals and abundant in food, therefore you and your descendants will live like in a paradise; only that this moment of life also places you in a commitment and is to fight against the enemy monsters so that you and your descendants can live free and in peace.



-I feel immensely grateful and willingly accept to fight alongside you in the battles that the Splinter must fight. I promise to be true to the cause and fight until I see Splinterlands free and safe.

-We knew that you would accept the historical commitment and from this moment you will no longer be called Akiyama but that you will be called “Ruler of the Seas”. In addition to the attributes of war that by nature you already have, we will grant you powers to be invincible in battles.

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-You will fight every time you are summoned and you will go out to battle to fight no longer for our cause because we will soon disappear but for your cause because Splinterlands belongs to you and your descendants.

In this way the Samurai, skilled in martial arts, began to enlist the battle lines of his Splinterlands to fight for peace and freedom. Glorious were and have been all the battles where Ruler of the Seas has fought. He has demonstrated the courage and ingenuity thatSamurai Akiyama was once made of. Now he proudly boasts the new name that was given to him and boasts the powers granted to him to heroically defeat whatever enemy monster he dares face.

The history and future ofSplinterlands are not the same since the brave warrior arrived from the extinct planet earth. He was recognized in his native Japan and on his home planet for courage and gallantry and now that popularity transcended the boundaries of time, space and dimension and now his name resonates in the war trumpets of the planet Splinterlands.

That is the true story of the warrior Ruler of the Seas.

Ruler of the seas images are from

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What a great Splinterlands post!! I love this! I just saw it is 4 days old, the next time you do a Splinterlands post, add it to one of my current Top 5 posts and I will upvote it right away if it as great as this one!! :-)

Hi. I'm glad you liked my post. I will gladly place my next post in your post and I hope you like it too. Greetings and thanks for your support.

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