ISL : Tomorrow match , Kerla Blasters VS ATK.
Most famous league of India , is going on. Tomorrow , there is a match between Kerla Blasters Vs ATK. Match will be start on tomorrow according to Indian time at 7.30 PM. Kerala Blasters has won only one match till today out of 12 match. Total 6 match draw and 5 match lost by Kerala Blasters. By viewing the performance it looking that Kerla Blasters is not doing good in this tournament. They are currently at number eight in ranking out of ten teams.
On the other hand , ATK resides on sixth position in time ranking. ATK `s perforamance is seems excellent and they have clinched the win in four matches out of 12 match. They played four match draw. In four match they got outplayed by other team.
There is huge difference between points of Kerala Blasters and ATK. ATK have 16 points currently while Kerala Blasters have nine points only.
In my opinion ATK will win this match or it will be draw.