What does Zidane want in Real Madrid?
What exactly is it about?
He did not bring a high-level relationship to the future like Van de Beek, confusing Thames about Pogba who is clearly no longer coming.
There is nothing new about the link.
In defense he brought a brake and shield, but did not use them and believed in the old.
Offensively, he brought in Jovich that the whole world and his sister wanted, and in fact didn't give him a minute to play in the first round.
The zarah was acquired but he is not Christian, so in practice he is only supposed to stop some of the damage that Christiano left.
In practice there are many new talents on the roster, some on loan, but Zidane still goes for Cross Mudrich Cassimiro in midfield,
You did not have enough that Salto Vigo made us look like a middle table group in front of them, and I don't care what the result was, they didn't have a hard time facing the link.
Salta Vigo came on a lot of occasions, was assertive, and held quite a ball, that alone should light a red light on you.
The fact that we conquered some brilliant moves, including a very good Cross ball, doesn't say much about the league.
The defense was reasonable but really not close to what they expected, because of course there is nothing new.
In the match against Salta Vigo there was an improvement, but in reviving anyone thinks that is the level you can take with any degree?
At the moment I don't see how we fight against Atletico, I don't even want to talk about what will happen to Messi returning to the league.
He has no future at madrid i am sure of that