Chelsea vs Liverpool - Summary
The game ended with 5-4 in the Liverpool favor and 2-2 in the 90th minute.
Liverpool has a huge mana duo and two cooking for Roberto Fermino and Chelsea's Giro's first gate and a Pendel gate that wasn't sure, although the verdict was a Gorginho gate.
Game Summary (at least in my opinion):
There is something to be proud of in our team today, they were a great play by Emerson and Pulseich
Mount was also excellent and Pedro at the age of 32 really but really shows the abilities of a 20 year old boy.
When Tami came to kick the fifth pendulum, I had a strong feeling that the pendulum would be out.
Overall really Ampred can embrace all his players they were good for as the points to improve those different players get a lot of difference. If they had kept more separate there would be at least 2 more goals for Chelsea in my opinion
Most of the game in my opinion Chelsea was stronger.