Lahore Qalandars discovered a 7-foot-4-inch diamond

Lahore Qalandars discovered a 7-foot-4-inch diamond. muhammad mudassar surprised everyone in the battle of Qalandars, the tallest in the world of Lahore, which is 3 inches taller than the world-renowned cricketer mohammad irfan. Of Qalandars. mudassar says he has got a good platform, will work hard on fitness, wants to bowl like mohammad irfan. muhammad mudassar, 21, was the focus of the event on the final of the battle of Qalandars in Lahore Qalandars. The cause is the height of mudassar, which is 7 feet 4 inches. mudassar says he has to face fitness problems because of his height.Lahore Qalander good team for favurite team.good player for Lahore Qalander.good directer for Lahore Qalander team fawad rana.fawad rana is funny bussinse and good peson bussinse man for pakistan.


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