May 28, 20: A Rainy Day Putzing, Watching a Movie, and Games


Up at six again today and another hour short. It’s starting to catch up to me at this point.

During my morning routine I checked my email and had a message from my department chair asking me if I has my class under control. Turns out she was just checking in and it had been late when she wrote me, so was just a matter of phrasing.

It totally flipped me out, though, so I started off the day with cortisol levels through the roof! I let her know that things were fine and apologized for overreacting, and she was totally cool about it. No worries.

I got my post done and then put together the Solairitas Weekly News Update.

No maps or photos or anything today. 😢 I didn’t really feel much like going out and it started pouring with rain, so I kind of took that as justification to play around in the garage for a while.

I stripped down all the coax cable that was left...only the dreaded tinned copper wire remains now, and I continued working on the second strand out of the wire I was already working on.

The other strand was the one that I’ve been experimenting on. Took that, cut it into smaller, more manageable pieces so it would fit in the jar I’m using, and did the HCl treatment on it.

I left it for about nine hours because there were still some bubbles forming and there seemed to be quite a bit of tin coating left. However, I think it’s actually overkill. The residue mostly wipes off with a paper towel and anything left comes off with a quick rub with steel wool.

I started with this (after having tried vinegar already):


And I ended with this 🤗🥳:


My powerdown came through yesterday, so I sent it over to Bittrex and waited a few minutes for the deposit to go through, logged in and NO FUNDS!!! 😡🤬


I didn’t realize they’d shut down deposits and withdrawals! I emailed their support and got a form letter back about possible causes for why a wallet might be inactive.

So, rather than being honest and just returning the funds to me (which should have happened automatically), they’re going to sit on them for an indeterminate amount of time (until the wallet is reactivated). 🤬 If sending funds to @bittrex was a mistake on my part, it’s not one that I’m likely to make again.

So by that point cortisol levels had hit 1000%, I was feeling sick to my stomach and basically worn out.

I laid down to take a nap and put on a Chinese movie Hu Zhe or something like that. It ended up being really awesome graphics and an entertaining story, so I didn’t fall asleep at all! Two eyes open! 😁

I started getting ready for bed pretty early, but I only had like six thousand steps and I’m not about to break my streak again without a good reason, so I did some laps around the house to get past the line.

Fitbit counted it as an exercise (noice!) but kinda’ borked it with the step count.


Looks like my dCity will remain stagnant for some time (as I don’t have the STEEM to trade for HIVE). At least I didn’t get robbed other than being taxed.


In keeping consistent with a relatively shitty day, I did not complete my arena task on Holybread today. 🤨



It’s still sort of lame and repetitive, but the team has been putting out regular update posts and it seems like a lot of work is being done. They’re moving over to Hive completely and they already fixed a bug with heroes available to purchase.


For my Splinterlands quest today I had Water splinter. It’s one of my stronger splinters, so it wasn’t too bad completing it...I actually fit all the battles into one picture.


Was still feeling butthurt about losing my STEEM to Bittrex (hopefully temporarily) and was kicking myself for not taking some of it and getting more DEC for potions.

But I completed the quest in Diamond I with a potion and got a kind drop of DEC that will keep me in potions for a couple more days. Got a couple more rare cards as well:



Average Last 7 Days: 17,650

Lifetime Average: 15,911

10k per Day Streak: 65
Longest Streak: 196

Distance on shoes: 462.23 km


#AutomaticWin Tally: 206
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 19

#TripleTen Tally: 98
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 129
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 81%
Satisfaction: 87%
Energy: 80%
Productivity: 85%







Pi Cloud Mining



Power up and Hive on!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.23
JST 0.030
BTC 84720.15
ETH 1972.05
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.79