Does Cardio Affect Muscle Growth

To loose fat cardio workout is important so if someone want to loose weight he must do cardio. Cardio help you loose weight and lifting weights help you gain more weight. The question is if someone who wants to gain muscle and loose weight what should be his cardio and weight lifting routine.
Actually weight lifting also helps you to loose extra amount of weight if you concentrate on the diet you take. Cardio is must but not so much that it start ruining your gain and the person who does not need to loose too much weight can concentrate only on muscle building because as he will start lifting heavy his belly fat will automatically reduces.
Food that you eat should not be junk food it should be organic diet. Balance diet can give you more balanced shape so to loose weight and gain muscle you have to concentrate more on your diet as compared to a skinny guy. In start you can sacrifice some muscle gains in order to achieve weight loss with the help of cardio but not for long time.
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Awsome work, for sure it affects but also it depends on diet and your workout systheme and programs, exercices with a long durations help to burn but its only that, well done my collegue , we can exchanges ideas
If workout before cardio is not long... is only beneficial to do cardio for 15-20 minutes...
Here's a trick few people talk about that I'll share with you. If you really want to have great results with cardio, then one should focus on one exercise at medium difficulty that is performed non stop for 60 mins. Take for example a 60 min medium to high level jog, will keep your heart rate up and you'll find that your body will be constantly burning fat and calories hours after you have stopped working out. Workouts shouldn't last hours. It can be effectively implimented in a hour, with no rest and higher intensities. The trick is to always have your heart rate up for the entire 60 mins with no breaks.
Will it help grow muscle? Depends on the intensity. But ine thing is for certain, you will see more tone and definition in your muscles.
Some very basic but important premises of exercise physiology discussed in this post, another point i will make is that everyone's body and metabolism is different but balancing cardio with weight lifting and a good diet should not affect muscle growth.
Cardio is not suggested for those who has initial symptom of cardiovascular disorder such as pulsation, irregular heart beat, etc.