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RE: Nike Rolls Out Controversial Colin Kaepernick Ad (Culture Hacking) - What's Your Thoughts?
I can see both sides. But I always wondered about the Far Right if they had grandparents ( like some of these black football players) who could very well fought in wars like WWII and they were heros and got back to the US maimed and in some cases loss of limbs but still could NOT vote or drink from the same water fountains becuase the color of their skin...I just wonder how these far right Caucasians would feel about the Flag if they experienced this treatment of their relatives ??
I think people need to be more open and put themselves in other peoples' shoes. Not everyone views the Flag in such a favorable way.
Hey buddy, I think those are all great points.
For me at the end of the day the question isn't is police brutality an issue, I mean I think it is an issue but I don't think its the issue at hand.
I think the bigger issue that everything comes down to is what is a persons rights to freedom of speech when representing their employer or an organization?
Does an employer have the right to say share your views off the clock, on the clock you represent us and we don't want to be involved in controversey and divisive issues?
I'm not sure what the correct answer to that question is but I think that is more the question at hand than is police brutality an issue.